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Comment Re:Problem identified (Score 5, Informative) 310

Speaking as someone way, way up in the northern half of the US who replaced his gas furnace with a heat pump (that's tied in to our existing heating ducts), I couldn't be happier. But you go ahead and keep trying to convince people that heat pumps don't work unless you're in the South. And as for "resistive heating strips," I don't even know what those are; we've never had a problem keeping the house warm, down into the single digits of outside temperature. What else is great about our heat pump?
- It's quieter than the old gas furnace
- It doesn't dehydrate our air as much in the Winter
- It doesn't need an exhaust vent, so it's not sucking outside air into the house which is great in the Summer if there's a lot of wildfire smoke in the air
- It cools the house in the Summer (we never had AC before)

Comment Think of the artists! (Score 1) 87

What stuck out to me was this line: "Smith stole millions in royalties that should have been paid to musicians, songwriters, and other rights holders whose songs were legitimately streamed."

How do you figure? The bots were only ever going to stream the fake music, not other "legitimate" songs. If the bots didn't exist, the streaming service would have held onto that money, since they only pay out for songs that are streamed.

Comment Great plan (Score 1) 124

"They can be subject to cognitive biases, bamboozled and manipulated, and are becoming increasingly deceptive. All these elements mean human-like foibles and quirks are being expressed in AI systems, which makes them more human-like than previous approaches that had little more than a list of canned responses."

So, we're trying to emulate the least-desirable qualities of human behavior in our AI systems? I'm sure that'll work out just fine.

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