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Comment Re: Give a wide berth around these cities (Score 1) 12

This is not true at all. Waymo has been operating in San Francisco for some time, in a wide variety of neighborhood, traffic and weather conditions. Iâ(TM)ve taken a number of rides in them and theyâ(TM)re so good that I never want to take an Uber or Lyft again, if I can avoid it. Waymo is also much safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Their vehicles stop at crosswalks and donâ(TM)t drive in bike lanes. You really should give it a try instead of spreading misinformation.

Comment I stayed for the forums (fora?) (Score 1) 86

One of the reasons I loved was the active, well moderated forums. I haven't torrented music in a long time, maybe years, but I did enjoy great discussions about music, technology and politics. I went to for music, before good streaming options existed. I stayed because of the relationships I built with people there. It was a great community that will be missed.

Comment Laudable, but not without potential consequences (Score 3, Interesting) 581

While this is a cool idea -- there are no women and no people of color featured on any US bills right now, and that doesn't accurately reflect the demographics of the country -- I can see it causing some confusion. On balance, it's probably a good decision, but this is a pretty major change.

Comment They need to be fined. Heavily. (Score 1) 32

Until customers aren't the only ones left on the hook in the case of breaches like this, companies like Hyatt aren't going to take security seriously. Sure, they might pony up for credit monitoring, but that does little to actually make customers whole if their identities are stolen or their bank accounts are emptied. If we were to start fining companies like this, say, $10,000 per card number / identity / sensitive detail stolen, I have a feeling these breaches would become far less common. Until we do this, we shouldn't expect Hyatt to care.

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