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Comment Jeff Bezos vs Nuclear Power ? (Score 2) 90

Does anyone have any insight into why Bezos (Bezos "Earth Fund") has been reliably donating to anti-nuclear organizations?

WWF. NRDC. They're "environmental" but also overtly anti-nuclear. Doesn't appear this contradicts Bezos direct investment in fusion tech, as such orgs haven't ever specifically opposed fusion, but that's also far from commercialization... now that atomic energy is actually needed today to meet Amazon + other's needs, it should be pretty obvious that Bezos philanthropy is fighting Bezos financial interests.

It is really that hard to find environmental non-profits that are tech agnostic?

Comment Meanwhile United States destroying their U-233 (Score 1) 100

I'm seeing criticism of China's choice of salt, and their enrichment of Lithium. This was the same FLiBe salt choice USA used for their MSRE 1965-1969. FLiBe is the salt of choice for Kairos Power, which uses solid pebble fuel, and FLiBe as working fluid. USA did enrich Lithium for MSRE. Kairos Power will enrich lithium for their reactor as well, their Hermes test reactor review process began in 2021, you can monitor their HERMES licensing progress here... https://www.nrc.gov/reactors/n... ...Kairos is already running a non-nuclear reactor with non-enriched Lithium.

Comment Don't read the 4th book, is fan-fiction. (Score 1) 64

Not sure how often it is presented as Quadrilogy rather than a Trilogy, but beware the publisher lists a 4th book as part of the series. It is just fan fiction. I've not heard of anyone who thinks it compares to the actual trilogy. This TV adaptation is of the 1st book, "The Three Body Problem" the 1st book in "Remembrance of Earth's Past". I thought all 3 books in the series were excellent.

Submission + - "Three Body" live adaptation of Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin (youtube.com)

gordm writes: The YouTube playlist offers the first 4 episodes (of a 30 episode series) for free, although the videos include Chinese ads. It has received some decent reviews.

Be sure your YouTube subtitles are turned on.

This was first noted by pfemme2 on Reddit.

I've only watched E01 and noted the most unpleasant reaction I had during my first-read of the book is front-loaded into E01 of the show... that is it is suggested GMO and advanced technologies are a blight upon humanity. I kept reading, and I'm glad I did. But for any viewers put-off by that moment, and not knowing what TBP is about... that moment pays off later.

Comment Re: Nuclear Waste - It's all about perspective. (Score 2) 273

âoeWe could always just launch the stuff into spaceâ


â¦absolutely fantastic video deep-dive on why not.

Recycling it into new fuel is very doable. Only 5% of âoenuclear wasteâ energy potential has been tapped.

Use it all up, becomes 500 year problem of Fission Products, rather than mostly Plutonium+ unused uranium.

Submission + - COP27 Nuclear Debate (youtube.com)

gordm writes: At COP27, Tobias HoÌlle (activist with Fridays for Future) debated Mark Nelson (of Radiant Energy) as to whether nuclear power can help us tackle climate change.

Tobias and Mark disagree on nuclear lifecycle emissions. It appeared neither was allowed to share citations with the audience, but here as likely sources based upon the emission numbers givenâ¦

Nuclear high-carbon numbers from https://wiseinternational.org/...â>WISE International.

Nuclear low-carbon numbers from https://unece.org/sed/document...â>United Nations European Economic Commission.

Comment "earthquake-safety upgrades" ? No. (Score 1, Informative) 135

A spokesperson for the governor clarified that Newsom still wants to see the facility shut down long term. "It's been six years since PG&E agreed to close the plant near San Luis Obispo, rather than invest in expensive environmental and earthquake-safety upgrades."

...folks the ENVIRONMENTAL "upgrades" is a thing. It is a nonsense thing... Diablo outputs warm water into the infinite-heat-sink which is The Pacific Ocean. There's no actual impact since that started in 1995... that tiny amount of warm water is now normality as far as marine life is concerned.

But the spokesperson saying there's EARTHQUAKE-SAFETY UPGRADES required?

No. That's NOT a thing. No regulatory body, not the NRC not the Feds not California gov, no one has ever specified any earthquake safety upgrade is required.

I was at a hearing about the warm-water nonsense and every anti-nuke that came to speak talked about earthquakes. No one actually spoke about warm water. Warm water is why PG&E was forced to plan to close Diablo. Not earthquake safety.

But possibly 100 anti-nukes taking to the podium to each repeat "The Big One" over and over has confused the issue in Newsom or Newsom's staff mind.

Comment Re:Why is Musk even mentioned? (Score 1) 135

Because he saw the original 79 Scientists+CEOs open letter asking Newsom keep Diablo open...

https://mobile.twitter.com/sla... ...by way of Slashdot feed, and responded "Agreed" and I'm personally hoping he'll chime in on Diablo again, to clarify his agreement. I think his (more vocal) support of Diablo would help improve the chanced Diablo stays open.

Submission + - Gavin Newsom considers delaying closure of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (latimes.com)

Comment Nuclear's carbon lifecycle is 6g (3.2g in Canada) (Score 5, Informative) 177

Carbon Footprints carbon lifecycle 2021 study by UNECE LCA
https://unece.org/sites/defaul... ...put nuclear at 6g CO2eq /kWh.

The UNECE 2020 is represented here on Wikipedia with a nice table (2nd table down):

It shows nuclear as THE LOWEST CARBON source of electricity /kWh. That's LIFECYCLE.

I see some comments here about some particular part of the nuclear lifecycle that the poster assumes UNECE overlooked? No, that's typical anti-nuclear FUD.


Submission + - Keep Diablo Canyon open, 75 scientists, academics and entrepreneurs tell Newsom (sanluisobispo.com) 1

gordm writes: Dr. Steven Chu, former U.S. Secretary of Energy under the Obama administration and a Nobel laureate, and more than 75 scientists, academics and entrepreneurs sent a letter to Newsom urging him to find a way to keep the plant open because of the necessary carbon-free, clean electricity it provides to the state’s electricity grid. Diablo Canyon currently provides about 18,000 gigawatt-hours of clean electricity annually, comprising of about 10% of the state’s electricity portfolio.


“But even if California could replace Diablo Canyon with renewable energy in the near term, that is not the right goal. Mere replacement is not enough; replacement would merely freeze emissions at their currently dangerous level,” the letter reads. “The right goal is to reduce carbon emissions as fast as possible, and the right means to do that is to add renewables on top of Diablo Canyon’s carbon-free energy, not in place of that energy.”

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