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Submission + - U.S. Lags World In Broadband Access

An anonymous reader writes: When It Comes To Broadband, U.S. Plays Follow The Leader says a story in IWeek. The thesis is that, while broadband access in the United States rose from 60 million users in March 2005 to 84 million in March 2006, the U.S. is well behind countries like England and China. Indeed, what you may not realize is that the U.S. ranks a surprisingly poor 12th in worldwide broadband access, a situation which could threaten its ability to maintain its technological lead. Do you think this is the case; indeed, has the U.S. lost its lead already, we just haven't admitted it?
The Internet

Charter Implements SiteFinder-Like DNS 206

paulbiz writes "Charter Cable's DNS servers have just started resolving all invalid hostnames and pointing them to their own error page. The About page states: 'This service automatically eliminates many of the error pages you may encounter as you surf the web. No software was installed on your computer for this service to work.' It has an 'opt-out' page, but when you use it Charter simply sets a cookie that makes their page redirect errors to Microsoft Live Search instead!" One more reason to use OpenDNS, where you can actually opt out of the custom error page.

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
