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Comment Re:Statitics (Score 1) 378

This method is perfect for things like pool, baseball, chess, etc., but for FPSs, I can't imagine it would be particularly helpful. The AIs will be responsible for more than just aiming at you and shooting, they have to work in teams, react to things you do, which is more difficult than just getting a number from a distribution and adding it to the perfect one you calculated.

Submission + - Quantum cryptography speeds slowed by" dead ti (

coondoggie writes: "Researchers said today that technological and security issues will stall maximum transmission rates at levels comparable to that of a single broadband connection, such as a cable modem, unless researchers reduce "dead times" in the detectors that receive quantum-encrypted messages. Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), technological and security issues will stall maximum transmission rates at levels comparable to that of a single broadband connection, such as a cable modem, unless researchers reduce "dead times" in the detectors that receive quantum-encrypted messages."

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