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Comment Re:Meanwhile, somewhere in Europe.. (Score 5, Informative) 302

You can change the default search engine in Chrome for Android (and iOS): e.g.
You can install other browsers on Android and set them to be default to open URLs (actually, you're prompted for which browser to use the first time after installing another browser then open a URL).
You can turn off Google Location Services: e.g.

Can't argue with the Skyhook thing though (e.g.

Comment Maybe if it were on kickstarter... (Score 0) 112

It seems like Indiegogo is where tech projects go when they cant meet the criteria of Kickstarter (e.g. having a working prototype). Putting money into optimistic (but plausible) tech projects on Kickstarter seems a lot like betting, but putting money into the same on Indiegogo seems like burning money.

Comment Re:Fake (Score 1) 880

Funny thing: most Australians don't share your view that the current licensing regimes (such as needing a valid reason for owning a gun, and 'self defence' is not considered a valid reason) in Australia are infringing on personal rights. We like to refer to it as 'good sense' (although you can always find some who will disagree).

Comment Re:I don't see it (Score 3, Informative) 103

Note that getting to the full quick settings UI requires swiping down twice; the first swipe gets you notifications, the second one adds the quick settings. Alternatively, you can do a two-finger swipe down and you get straight to the quick settings. I can't reliably do that with two thumbs (too hard to synchronize the swipes), so that method really does require fingers. But two quick swipes work fine.

On a tablet, the one-finger vs two-finger swipedown makes sense (because it is easier than reaching from the right corner of the screen to the left) but on a phone the right-vs-left makes much more sense because you're more likely to be holding and operating the phone with the same hand (Note: my N5 is broken atm so I can't check the on-phone behaviour).

There are other things I dislike about Android on a large tablet, but the biggest one has been around since 4.0... having the 'navigation' buttons in the middle of the device where neither hand is conveniently close to them.

Comment Re:Reliability is key. (Score 1) 600

That's not really relevant in this context. In order to bypass the iPhone fingerprint lock, they need a clean print, a good photograph of that print, and a bit of time. It is easier to just go and buy a gun than to go through that process, if you've got the time to mess around doing such things.

In contrast, this is useful when someone else has just picked up your gun and you *really* don't want them to be able to fire it.

Comment Re: Anthropometrics (Score 2) 819

I'm looking forward to the next change when speakers start piping in the wailing of the dying into the economy section, and if you don't want to listen to the wailing then you should be paying for the 'economy plus', which has mysteriously increased to include half the seats from the old 'economy' section. Maybe just remove the cushions and have 'economy' sitting on planks of wood, with a full inch of open-cell foam in the 'economy plus' section and perhaps an extra $5 for each additional inch of foam.

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