Comment Costs a bit more than it sounds (Score 1) 92
It is indeed true that you need to spend money to make money but perhaps I should put the value of these figures into a Malaysian perspective:
1 USD is currently 3.03 MYR.
The figure is 1.8 Million MYR, in a country where a Big Mac costs 6.95 MYR (2.23 USD). Yay, low cost of living.
A mid-level Malaysian web developer might get paid around 3,000 MYR (990 USD) a month, so 11,880 USD is my estimate for his/her salary, not 30,000 USD as estimated elsewhere. If all that cost went into development (as an over-simplification), this translates to 600 man-months of work. A team of 60 developers for 10 months, or a team of 10 developers for 5 years? Hmm.
I can only speak for myself, but I believe the issue most of their citizens have with this is the apparent 'inefficiency', rather than the actual initiative to investment in tourism.