>Who are we to judge any of the areas outside EUSia?
We are humans. Being treated as slaves is not something any human would want to happen to them.
Thats an oversimplification of history without taking into account the geo-polictical and economical climate at that time.
They did not run him over because Gandhi had mass support. Once there are millions of people behind you, your opponent no matter how big a bully cannot easily kill you.
The british did not want social order in India to break down.
And yes, a computer CAN evaluate code without executing it. It could just execute it in a VM, simulating itself. Derp!
A computer cannot fully simulate itself. A computer with b bits of memory can go through 2^b states. The machine it simulates has less than 2^b states. If a computer can simulate itself perfectly, then the halting problem is solved.
* What is the smallest number of moves I can make to complete a 14x14 puzzle?
* Can I complete a given 14x14 puzzle in 25 moves?
If you have an efficient algorithm to calculate if you can solve a given puzzle in n moves, then you can answer the question what is the smallest number of moves required by doing a binary search and calling your algorithm every time in the binary search.
In other words, you can call your algorithm for (2) polynomial number of times and find the answer for (1).
India with corruption so deep-set and intractable that even buying a TV usually involves multiple pay-offs?
What are you talking about ? You just go to the store, pay for your TV and get it home. If the shopkeeper increases the price or asks you for a bribe, you can go to the next shop. India sells the same Chinese made TV just as the US. It also costs about just the same (Actually a little bit less in absolute value, but then compared to the cost of living, it is like 3x more expensive)
IIRC the density of the planet is not the same throughout. If that is the case, the comparison is pretty misleading. It could very well be a rocy core with a very thick layer of some light gas.
It's one thing to help you along as you age (glasses, hearing aids, canes, etc.), but this ever-growing trend in trying to dodge time's arrow every step of the way (cosmetic surgery, perpetual drug regiments, etc.) is sad commentary on a society that supposedly believes in an afterlife. Enjoy your life, in all its stages, then move along -- this world was never meant to be your home forever.
Hmmmm... Not sure how you get to decide what humans are "meant" to do. But if you don't like cosmetic surgery, perpetual drug regiments etc, don't do it. If someone else wants to dodge the arrow of time, why does it matter to the rest of us.
Wrong! VMware only wants to review the methodology and approve it. You do not have to get the results approved.
From register.vmware.com/content/eula.html
"you (and not unauthorized third parties) may publish or publicly disseminate; provided that VMware has reviewed and approved of the methodology, assumptions and other parameters of the study. Please contact VMware at benchmark@vmware.com to request such review."
Fair enough! I did not read the summary since there was no article to "not read".
ESXi does come with a client. You need to buy VC if you want to manage multiple ESXi boxes together (and/or need additional features like HA/DRS)
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith