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Comment Re:Cost to Recharge? (Score 1) 457

Yes, I did think about it. I have never seen any $ figures on the cost difference, and generally the 'green' treehugger types who push this sort of agenda only care about the 'green' and not at all about the '$'. One would think that if was really cheaper a lot of someones would be blaring cost comparison/savings figures loud and often to get the public behind it in a big way...and no one is.

Generally things that are 'better for you' seem to cost more, and for no good reason, either. Go to the grocery store. Anything that is 'healthy' or 'diet' or 'low ' is almost always more '$' than the 'regular' same item.

Comment Re:Ummmm (Score 0) 769

The answer i keep looking for, and never seeing is - what will my electric car do to my electric bill? I'd much rather pay double for gas than triple for electricity. I can see the electric companies drooling over this now.

Basically, if its going to cost me more money than what I already spend, I don't want it. Since I never hear about its going to save me money, or cost no more, I can (probably) safely assume that its going to cost me a lot more.

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