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Comment Re:New Idea (Score 1) 508

Actually, I worked with a developer who actually did something along these lines... only he'd take the projects he was given at work and assign them as homework to his students... and submit them at work, as his own.

I remember, rather fondly I must admit, some team meetings where "his" stuff didn't work and he had absolutely no idea how to get "his" stuff working again... and it was clear to everyone what was going on.

NSA Whistleblowers Reveal Extent of Eavesdropping 222

ma11achy was one of several readers to write about claims made by two former military intercept operators who worked for the NSA that "Despite pledges by President George W. Bush and American intelligence officials to the contrary, hundreds of US citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they called friends and family back home." Ars Technica has a brief report as well, and reader net_shaman adds a link to Glenn Greenwald's opinion piece on the eavesdropping at Salon.

Messenger Sends First Full Fly-By Image of Mercury 55

An anonymous reader writes with this snippet from Gizmodo: "NASA's Messenger (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging spacecraft) has flown by just 125 miles over the surface of Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System. This is the first time in history that the whole planet is going to be photographed in its entirety by an Earthling probe, with amazing resolution and ultra-crisp detail." The picture at the top of the linked story is fantastic, too.

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