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Comment Re:Popular again? (Score 1) 123

We just had a heat pump installed two weeks ago and removed the solar hot water system that was installed on the roof when the house was built.
It just did not make sense economically to keep the system. To integrate the existing panels in the new system would have cost EUR 5000. With current electricity prices (30-35 EuroCent per kWh) and the system only working good only during summer, roi would have been more that 30 years, so I skipped this and keep the space on the roof for a future PV installation

Comment this is probably in violation of EU privacy laws (Score 5, Informative) 154

I think this will be in violation of

Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data

especially Article 7

but apparently nobody cares about what is legal anyway

further reading to be found here:!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=en&numdoc=31995L0046


Honeycomb To Require Dual-Core Processor 177

adeelarshad82 writes "According to managing director of Korean consumer electronics firm Enspert, Google's new Android Honeycomb tablet OS will require a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor to run properly. That means that many existing Android tablets will not be upgradeable to Honeycomb, as they lack the processor necessary to meet the spec. Currently, Nvidia's Tegra 2 platform is the only chipset in products on the market to include a Cortex-A9, although other manufacturers have said they're moving to the new processor architecture for 2011 products."

Comment Re:I generate my power with solar (Score 1) 507

I only looked at electricity.
Last billing cycle I used a little below 2400 kWh in a year. Now with a second child it will increase a bit, but I think that I have only a few options left.
Power prices in here a higher that in the US.
I pay EUR 6,95 (USD 9,20) as a base price and EUR 0,189 (USD 0,25) per kWh. the power company announced an increase to EUR 0,212 (USD 0,28) per kWh as per January 1st, so I am shopping for a new supplier.
I live in a 80 sqm flat with three rooms plus kitchen and bathroom.
Main consumers are:
my server ( ~ 40 W = 350 kWh)
fridge (12 years old, back then A grade power efficiency)
washing machine (6 month old, A grade power efficiency)
dishwasher (1,5 yeras old, A grade power efficiency)
almost nothing on standby, all systems equipped with real switches in the power cord, CFL lightning.

I could optimize the server or shut it down entirely, but investments in this area are not cost efficient. When the fridge dies or in 5 years, I will replace it with an even more efficient system.
When the price for LED lights gets lower they are an option too.
We are looking into building a house and it will be highly optimized, so we should not have to spend more on total power (electricity & heating) than we do now.

So I believe that there should be massive potential for savings in your situation


Advent Calendar For Geeks 65

bLanark writes "Well, as children and adults all over the world begin their day with chocolate, with the traditional Advent calendar, I'd like to remind you that there's an alternative for geeks. The Perl Advent calendar will give you a new Perl tip every day right up to Christmas."

8-Year-Old Receives Patent 142

Knile writes "While not the youngest patent recipient ever (that would be a four year old in Texas), Bryce Gunderman has received a patent at age 8 for a space-saver that combines an outlet cover plate with a shelf. From the article: '"I thought how I was going to make a lot of money," Bryce said about what raced through his brain when he received the patent.'"

Comment Re:He is correct (Score 1) 364

IT does not need a special treatment, but all other areas like accounting, HR, etc. have already been accepted to be part of doing business.
There is usually no question why a company need accounting and even controlling, especially one needs special knowledge to do this.

IT is seen as something that is not hard to do, so this problem gets even bigger.

Comment Re:Market share (Score 1) 481

It is definately not ITs job to decide what and if people waste company time. This is something to be decided by the management.

Online application for the business that require IE6 are a lame excuse. If IT had a propper release and retirement schedule in place this would not be happening. Keeping a crutial security hole for years in a business only because other departments did not do their job is not really an option.
Just announce until when you will support an environment so everybody can adapt to it.

Portables (Apple)

MacBook Pro Gets Santa Rosa Chipset, LED Screen 452

frdmfghtr writes "TechNewsWorld is reporting that Apple has updated the MacBook Pro line with the Santa Rosa chipset from Intel. In addition, Apple is also introducing mercury-free displays with some models. 'When Apple presented new editions of its MacBook line last month, the company excluded the latest Intel Centrino chips, dubbed "Santa Rosa," which had been released just days prior. The chips have found their way into Apple's new high-end MacBook Pro notebooks, which the company revealed Tuesday. Certain models use mercury-free displays, falling in line with the company's recent ecological promises.'"

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
