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Submission + - Google Fiber expands to Olathe Kansas (forbes.com)

skade88 writes: If you are one of the lucky 125,000 people who live in Olathe, Kansas, the rest of us congratulate you on your new amazing $70.00/month, 1 GB Google fiber service. Google also announced they will be letting us know about further cities that will be wired up with Google Fiber service soon. This shows that Google Fiber is not just a sandbox they are going to keep in Kansas City, Google Fiber is a real business they will keep expanding. In other exciting news, the FCC wants to see at least one community in each state with 1 Gigabit home service by 2015.

Comment I confess (Score 1) 418

Most of the times I end up at SO through the google and in over 50% of all "cases" that helps more than ploughing through documentation pdfs, wikis and kbs.

Even though I am a documentation evangalist as part of my job, I believe documentation will never get better and will always be incomplete.

Good, or at least, good enough documentation saved my ass numerous times. For example documentation about a custom compiled database function that got lost because somebody, dropped the database instead of the table as intended. A binary restore from a backup got the data back, but the function was lost. The application using the function failed instantly. Although I wrote the function myself, it would have taken days to rewrite it from scratch. Luckily I documented the function code and how to load it, and a smart coworker managed to restore it without consulting me.

Documentation is an ambiguous beast, too little is bad, but too much is sometimes worse...

Comment Yes (Score 1) 295

But you'll need loads of cash, connections in South America and a replacement face.

On a serious note, no. I have always been careful (since CompuServe) but there are some traces, if you dig usenet. Most sites from back then are gone. Lucky I have a generic name, first hit is a guy somewhere far away, so I am happy...

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