Comment Re:Too bad. (Score 1) 798
So they lie about having an iPhone, yet they ask for iPhone support?
So they lie about having an iPhone, yet they ask for iPhone support?
I have a Nexus 4 with 16GB capacity without any memory card slots.
Freecell came with Windows for Workgroups 3.11, together with Hearts, IIRC.
Actually, Nexus 4 has a user replaceable battery. Just not an easily-replaceable one...
How come neither the article nor the official site ( does not mention Fabrice Bellard, the original author?
So, are you suggesting that nobody can make a living writing apps or fixing computers?
They will make Windows phones. Or Bada. Just kidding, Samsung or HTC or LG or Sony do not have many choices than using Android.
Also note that installing a pirated application in Android only requires ticking a checkbox, wheres in iOS it needs jailbreak, which is a frightening word for some.
Eventually I got tired of that and reverted to the Dark Side. (Or is it Yellow Side now?)
No, the Yellow Side is Lotus Notes
Science is not a linear path from one technology to the next. You don't just allocate all your money to the thing you really want, and expect to get it, because you can't know if you will.
You are lying. I should know that, because I played Civilization.
even if after = even after
If you read the grandparent post, you will see that his point is that you can adopt a child even if after your wife's fertility period is over.
The more realistic characters often have strong moral centers--eg. Lois and usually Bryan (Family Guy)
The mere fact that you count a talking dog among the more realistic characters says it all...
1- I asked that stupid bitch what is be the length of the the hypotenuse of a triangle that have a 45 degrees slope, a side measuring 3cm and a side measuring 4cm, the answer is evidently 5cm...
This is an impossible triangle.
I don't think it is a single gene, since both left handed parents can have right handed children. If it was a single recessive gene, the children will most certainly left-handed.
Again, if it was a single gene, the left handed vs right handed ratio would be closer to 25/75.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.