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Journal Journal: Spam

I've bumped into a software package `MailScanner' and I like it so far. It makes building SMTP Anti Virus and spam gateways easy.

But how does one effectively fight spam?

I am struggling to find an answer that is wholly satisfactory to me.

Data Storage

Journal Journal: Hash Zip

Hash Zip is a theory I tried to write into code. Some people didn't quite get it, and presumed I was trying to compress data to 1 bit, do the impossible, etc. Doesn't version '0.2' suggest things are in a state of flux, don't take everything at face value, yada yada?

The theory of guaranteed compression is over.

The reality of analysis and rethinking has started. But it's been an educational ride.

Stay tuned to Hash Zip for future conjectures and implementation trials. It seems I may be onto something, but what that something is remains to be seen.


Journal Journal: Free Daemon Consulting, LLC

It's been an interesting time these last six months. Nobody ever said starting a business was easy, nor did they say it was a guaranteed overnight success. Nobody was right!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Resumé

UNIX, OpenBSD, admin and/or programming
Good experience, will move, currently in Oklahoma City, OK

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The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much.
