Comment Re:Google Doesn't Care About Chrome (Score 1) 307
WebKit is quickly becoming the default browser on the "Internet Device" market thanks to Google and Apple, and this will put more pressure on FireFox and Opera to adopt it. Or at least emulate it better.
Yeah right. As if Opera and Mozilla are going to accept being dependent on Apple's release cycles. It's either that or making a fork, which basically means that in a while you'd have several different engines again and you wouldn't have gotten anywhere.
It is actually not the Apple release cycles one should be concered about. As an example Chromium is on a continuous build cycle where each day they are around 5 to 10 builds made.
But there is a concern in another area. Webkit coders are generally protective about patches and new features and trying to get a patch approved in upstream is usually a very tiring process right now. Sometimes they demand a complete clean rewrite of code as they are worried that the patch might break something. Code review process also tend to be slower and absurb statements like this would make Safaris UI more complicated seems to be not uncommon.
I believe at one point Chromium developers will start to mantain a trunk that is a bit differnt from upstream. Right now they wait untill it is approved with webkit.