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Comment Where is the control in this? (Score 0) 474

Did it occur to anyone that this only considers Facebook data and therefor ignores all breakups not reflected on Facebook. Maybe it's only Facebook users who break up those times of year. Or maybe only regular users who care if their status is up to date. Or possibly those are times of higher traffic from recently dumped users who have nothing to do but update Facebook.

Comment Joke about crime = Terrorist (Score 0) 324

Clearly people who make jokes about crime on the internet are terrorists and should be brought down. We need more funding for law enforcement to shut down these conventions that promote the internet's viral distribution of humor and social commentary. We should be developing technologies to track people who download pictures of Pedobear then arrest them and offer then threaten to incarcerate them for decades if they don't give up the person they got the picture from. We should also take a serious look at wiretapping their phones to find out if they are talking about Pedobear when they are offline. We must prevent this person to person communication from overflowing from the internet into the real world and dilute the true and balanced systems of distributing knowledge to the masses such as CNN and Fox News. We must act now!

Comment A bit more open about it?? (Score 0, Redundant) 149

I am really surprised at the comments I see on this. I would have thought of all places this sort of thing would find a few more defenders at Slashdot. I think open hardware is a great idea with just as much if not more potential as it has in software. It sure isn't going to be as quick to happen but I would love to see large scale design efforts for things like cars done in the way the FSF does software.

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