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Comment Limited Excel Model (Score 5, Interesting) 280

I just read the Excel model that you can download as part of the article:

- It uses the parameters of previous Ebola outbreaks as a base.
    These outbreaks happened in remote and sparsely populated regions. In contrast, the outbreak in Monrovia has hit slum like neighborhoods. This is a completely different base.

- The Excel model uses a "flat" model of population that doesn't take into account geographical distribution.
    Infectiousness in slums will be a lot higher than in previous outbreaks because of the density of population.

- The model talks about keeping 70% of the infected population at home or in hospitals in order to reduce the infection rate. This way, the epidemic will slowly decrease.
    However, there is widespread fear of hospitalization and the mortality rate of Ebola (80%) basically means that people will distrust any doctors, hospital etc. So I can't see how this should happen.

- In the history of Ebola there was no outbreak of this size.
    In the past there were plenty (relatively) of workers per case. But now patients will outnumber the helpers.

Summary: I can't see why the exponential development could be slowed down as indicated in the model...

Comment Ebola Spreading: Slums connected by Travel (Score 1) 119

Reading the last publications about the spreading of Ebola, I've got the idea that WHO tries to hide information, in particular about the different types of spreading. So I'm making this up from common sense, maybe somebody with access to privileged information might add details:

Spreading in slums: That seems to be the case in Monrovia ultimately. Inhabitants don't trust the public health system (with certain reason...) and believe in which doctors or conspiracy theories. Once >500 persons are infected, it becomes practically impossible to research the infection tree and to isolate contacts. In the last 3 weeks Ebola spread exponentially. Please tell me if I'm wrong, but I got the impression that Monrovia is probably "lost".

Spreading across the "pepper coast" via land connections: The area from Guinea to Ghana seems to be relatively sparsely populated with exception of a few cities. And these cities are now basically disconnected from international air traffic. Part of the borders are closed. The villagers along the land connections will become increasingly suspicious of travelers from the cities, so I would predict increasingly violent confrontations. Maybe this might lead to slower spreading (apart from disastrous consequences for the economy, obviously).

Spreading to Nigeria: Nigeria has 170M population, as opposed to 4M for Liberia, and Nigeria is well connected internationally. The recent cases seem to have been contained and tertiary and quartiary contacts have been followed-up. So apparently things work out better in Nigeria compared to Liberia.

So my understanding is: A Pandemic will start once Ebola reaches the slums of Nigeria and starts spreading to more cases than the MSF or others can contain (maybe some 200-500 cases). The pandemic will end once a vaccine becomes available in large quantities, which is supposed to happen in 3-9 months.


Should Vendors Close All Security Holes? 242

johnmeister writes to tell us that InfoWorld's Roger Grimes is finding it hard to completely discount a reader's argument to only patch minimum or low security bugs when they are publicly discovered. "The reader wrote to say that his company often sits on security bugs until they are publicly announced or until at least one customer complaint is made. Before you start disagreeing with this policy, hear out the rest of his argument. 'Our company spends significantly to root out security issues,' says the reader. 'We train all our programmers in secure coding, and we follow the basic tenets of secure programming design and management. When bugs are reported, we fix them. Any significant security bug that is likely to be high risk or widely used is also immediately fixed. But if we internally find a low- or medium-risk security bug, we often sit on the bug until it is reported publicly. We still research the bug and come up with tentative solutions, but we don't patch the problem.'"

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