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Comment Ignore code lines, just use this rule... (Score 1) 97

5-10million in dev costs to get to validated ASIC production and you better bring good annual volume or donâ(TM)t even bother. What good is depends on cost what you want your per chip cost to be. Something cheap better have 5-10million annual volume or more. Something expensive could be 50-500k annual volume. And you need good upfront clarity in this so you can match for the right partner.

Can You Fight DRM With Patience? 309

As modern DRM schemes get more annoying and invasive, the common wisdom is to vote with your wallet and avoid supporting developers and publishers who include such schemes with their games. Or, if you simply must play it, wait a while until outcry and complaints have caused the DRM restrictions to be loosened. But will any of that make game creators rethink their stance? An article at CNet argues that gamers are, in general, an impatient bunch, and that trait combined with the nature of the games industry means that progress fighting DRM will be slow or nonexistent. Quoting: "Increasingly so, the joke seems to be on the customers who end up buying this software when it first comes out. A simple look back at some controversial titles has shown us that after the initial sales come, the publisher later removes the vast majority of the DRM, leaving gamers to enjoy the software with fewer restrictions. ... Still, [waiting until later to purchase the game] isn't a good long-term solution. Early sales are often one of the big quantifiers in whether a studio will start working on a sequel, and if everyone were to wait to buy games once they hit the bargain price, publishers would simply stop making PC versions. There's also no promise that the really heavy bits of DRM will be stripped out at a later date, except for the fact that most publishers are unlikely to want to maintain the cost of running the activation, and/or online verification servers for older software."

Comment Check out BodyMedia for this kind of monitoring (Score 1) 66

BodyMedia has been the leader in making consumer usable technology to monitor 24x7. Check out www.bodymedia.com for more information. They manufacture GoWear fit, BodyMedia FIT, and the Bodybugg, They are also FDA regulated and have an accuracy of 90% for daily caloric burn and minutes of activity data.

Comment Re:Bodybugg (Score 1) 188

BodyMedia makes the hardware for the bodybugg as well as the GoWear fit. I believe in the GoWear fit program you can export data to excel. Though I think the detail level of the export may not be exactly what you are looking for. GoWear fit has a nice video here if you want to learn more: http://www.gowearfit.com/Learn-More/GoWear-fit-in-Motion You can also check here for more details: http://www.bodymedia.com/

Comment Check out www.BodyMedia.com (Score 1) 330

They have been producing sleek, usable body monitoring technology for a number of years now. The solutions focus on weight loss and getting fit right now but I am sure the capabilities would expand in the future. All the contestants on the Biggest Loser on NBC wear their private branded device. The latest offering looks like Go Wear fit and includes sleep duration and efficiency too. Check out www.gowearfit.com.

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