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Comment So it's like HotJar for websites? (Score 1) 97

How is this different from HotJar, which lets you record all website visits and replay? ( check the recording tab). Pretty creepy too, but I think all websites use it and nobody asks beforehand. Opened my eyes when I had to use it for the first time for UI improvements. A true added value for the UI job, but a bit voyeuristic to watch people browse your website without them knowing...

Comment It actually already works if you add more context. (Score 1) 217

When you add "while I was at the farm", google translates correctly to french.

EN: While I was at the farm, I put the pig in the pen.

FR: Pendant que j'étais à la ferme, j'ai mis le cochon dans un enclos.

I actually think it's logical for the AI to only translate like this with the extra context. I mean, are you sure nobody puts pigs in writing tools?

Comment Re:The actual reason (Score 5, Insightful) 375

I agree. Tablets fit with the changed computer behaviour.

Computers and laptops are made for a desk and for work. But when I come home from work, i don't want to work anymore. I want to use my computer as entertainment (facebook, newssites, youtube, ...). Also, I don't want to sit at a desk but comfortably on a couch.

My laptop/netbook is not ergonomic to use on the couch, and my phone is too small. So i use a tablet.

Tablets are here to stay. And they will become the remote (or hub or whatever) for your tv.

Comment Re:Focus on correctness, not speed Mod up! (Score 1) 330

I wish I had mod points for you.

But honestly, thomasvs, when you come this late to the discussion, AND you have something this interesting to say, I think you are allowed to post it higher in the thread, even if it's not 100% on topic.

I mean, you're politically correct to post it here, but nobody will read it. Isn't that worse than posting SLIGHTLY off-topic higher up in the thread but where it can be an added value to people because they will read it?

Comment Thanks (Score 3, Funny) 1521

Slashdot has always been a beakon of good taste on the Internet.

It helps me stay grounded to the truly important stuff that matters in a chaotic world of information overload.

It helped me be confident about my own opinions.

Peter Van Hende
'Trendwatcher' for Belagcom

Comment Re:This has to fail - i didn't notice the lag (Score 1) 67

Have you ever tried OnLive? It's incredibly good.
They do some very smart encoding of the video signal + they work together with ISP's so they have servers within the ISP's network.

We had a demo at the Telco operator I work at. We were super sceptical about real world preformance and our jaws dropped when we saw what OnLive could deliver. Pretty damn good. Not good enough for hard core gamers. But good enough for a casual user like me and 70% of the market.

Only bottleneck for the moment is their catalogue IMO.

Comment Re:What can they actually do? (Score 1) 140

Here's what we have in Belgium:

- The government imposes every operator to have an affordable version of their broadband access. Mostly speed is limited to ADSL speeds of 5years ago and download caps only allow normal surfing/mailing. So most people can afford this.
- If you are unemployed or live on benefits you get this "light" broadband at cheaper prices.
- Once every few years the government will sponsor cheap PC/broadband bundles.

Off course these measures only work because every house is connected to a cable and/or ADSL network.

Comment Re:At least 10 years too late. (Score 2, Interesting) 525

In Europe we also have GM. They're called Opel/SAAB here.

All Opel/SAAB cars have modern competitive diesel engines. So apparently, GM DID invest in new tech.

The question is, why did they not sell those engines/cars in the US?

Maybe because US consumers were not interested? I'm not being arrogant here, that's a real question. I really don't understand.

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