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Comment Re:Variety of languages (Score 1) 175

Variety comes later. Intro courses don't have enough time to do the needed syntax of the language and then start comparing to other languages. Garbage collection is a great feature to consider, but intro students don't know enough to know if auto garbage collection is a big deal or not. Same with type safety and such.

Comment I'd be happy with just (Score 1) 184

A line of CPUs having consistent numbering. Maybe generation-cores-clockspeed or something. It would at least allow for easier comparisons within a line of CPUs. Might should add cache amount, but within a line that doesn't vary as much. Letter or number designation would be fine (e.g. Q for quadcore H for hexacore). How long has i3-i5-i7 been around and look at the names? AMD is similar. Similar for GPU maybe with amount of ram in there.

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