Comment Wow (Score 1) 125
I'm still blown away that a company such a simple idea, run on such a simple site, requires a CEO.
He's like the CEO of txt messages.
I'm still blown away that a company such a simple idea, run on such a simple site, requires a CEO.
He's like the CEO of txt messages.
This device seems backwards with today's trends. With virtualizaion gaining ground fast, the ideal setup is to have as much RAM as possible with a SAN back end for storage - iSCSI, FC, whatever. Most local disks on servers today are RAID1 mirrors for the small hypervisor.
So, yes, this device wastes a valuable DIMM slot to give you a less-valuable SATA drive?
I can't think of any scenario where this would be useful unless you're talking about handheld devices - a MacBook Air or tablet of some sort.
Just for perspective, back in the day, TV advertisements for medium/large companies used to have AOL keywords before they listed their web address.
Now they're saying "find us on Facebook!"
A lot can change in a few years, IT moves fast.
Yeah, it's pretty much a fad, just like YouTube, Slashdot, Firefox, Ubuntu, Flickr, Blogger, Wordpress, Twitter and pretty much any other website that has 500 million active users.
Of course, their people are mostly 40 - 50+ Americans, who are no doubt more expensive than 20-something Indians. But they also know what they're doing.
Knowing what you're doing is SO 20th century. Next you'll be telling us the 50-year-olds don't spend 70% of their day on AIM and Facebook...
You know how I know you're old?
Hi, welcome to technology. I see you're new here. Feel free to go over our pamphlets while you wait for one of our representatives.
"iSCSI and You"
"PCMCIA? In my laptop?"
"So you're going to be a FCPGA ZIF CPU"
WiFi, my friend! We just put repeaters every 5 miles...
Why oh why did they move the refresh button to the right side of the address bar? That's so many pixels away...
Yeah I'm running Minefield 64bit 4.0 b6pre. It's super fast...
Sweet, I get 100 FPS, which looks like the max. CPU never goes over 8%. Server 2008 R2, FF4 b6pre (Minefield), 1920X1200, i5-750 @ 4.0Ghz (170x24), Nvidia 8800GT.
At least you'll have 2.2 eventually. For those of us with a Hero or Eris, this is the only way we get FroYo. A semi-working build was available within hours of the FroYo source code release, and now stable versions abound. But the Eris is already end-of-life. One day your incredible will be, too.
I'm running CM6 RC3 on the Eris, and the phone has never felt snappier. It has revived (by today's standards) a dated platform. The fine folks at XDA developers have put together a ROM with WiFi tether, over/underclocking for improved battery life with increased speed, etc. Great stuff.
The grammar nazi in me must speak out. If you have a countable number of anything, the correct word is fewer.
As in, I wish I had fewer compilation errors. If the object is indivisible, like my body, than it would be less. As in, I wish I weighed less.
This is why we can't have nice things. We have fewer things.
Ding protector. Seriously, anyone who is careless enough to ding other people's cars with their doors should be drug out into the street and shot.
Nigro, please.
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.