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Comment Re: Confused (Score -1) 44

And of course at least one chicken-wrangler to read the auguries and ensure that the gods are agreeable to travel in that particular direction on that particular day.

Can you imagine travelling without the safety of the gods blessings?! Maybe such a a kind of suicidal fool does exist somewhere out there... But I do hope at least, if not them then somebody, will think of the children!

Comment Re: Remove head from ass (Score -1) 83

"art is art and whatever the artist wants to express and that's valid no matter what, look: here is a piece of modern art that is human excrement smeared on a wall. Masterpiece! Stunning! Brave!

However art is not art if you use AI for... reasons. Reasons that never will and never where applied to the poo-amear which is still art and you are a philistine for not appreciating."

-modern artists (or is it "content creators" now?)

Comment Re: KYC killing privacy (Score -1, Troll) 47

They keep attacking the native population so of course they also keep having to gin up even more draconian/orwellian surveillance laws to ensure no one does anything about it.

For example: "we haven't got any money so we are closing all the libraries and making you pay through the nose for any government services and raising taxes. You pay more and get nothing! ...Also we are giving 100 squidillion quid to The Ukraine as there's some foreign war that has nothing to do with us which we want to virtue signal about, get ready for the draft lads!"

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
