ad infinitum....
Human Written Article (Summation on last line): "Personally, I think GameStop will still be around for years to come no matter what happens to console gaming."
Resultant hypetard Slashdot headline: "The End Is Near for GameStop"
Yep, bout right.
Wordpress gets a bad rap, because bad sysadmins/developers don't keep it up to date, or enable comments but don't enable akismet.
But yeah Visitors will often be a fraction of overall web traffic to a given blog, regardless of the platfrom that runs it.
Do you make all choices based on which option has more grammatical faux pas, or is this a special case?
You miss spelt
Not an option for everyone, i'd say that my fileserver grows more per day than my connection could reasonable upload in said day.
Evil Money? I think you mean evil monkey.
Sure, just check your DCMA-weilding, judge buying, $1000 a song, ambulance chasing, dime bag sniffing lawyers at the door.
Oh and your guns, and any venereal diseases you happen to carry.
Welcome to the sun burnt country, have a meat pie and a beer.
Some parts of my girlfriend are silicone based.
I'm kidding, this is slashdot, i don't have one.
What could possibly go wrong with accellerating brain function in rats.
I for one welcome our new super intelligent rat overlords.
WebSockets is currently supported in Firefox 4 and Opera, but disabled by default in both.
The only real issue with this is that if you don't regularly require bluetooth, leaving it turned on in your phone is an unnecessary drain on the battery.
Awesome yet another meaning for the letters WAP.
(Wireless Access Point, Wireless Application Protocol)
Sony definitely has its flaws, both moral and practical.
But because if its corporate and cultural diversity it can't easily be considered a whole, the parts are just too distinct.
Their TV's for example are very good solid products, the panels are as good as any i've laid eyes on.
A company of many faces. (I do admit most of those faces are controlled by the fat cat content side of things.)
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen