Comment Re:slashdot... (Score 1) 347
I can only assume there were a bunch of quite cool ones I missed
Not this year!
I can only assume there were a bunch of quite cool ones I missed
Not this year!
It blows my mind that people get excited about them.
Not this year!
... but everyone's so ingrained into ARM that they'll never really make inroads into the market.
"Never Say Never Again"
Or... look up "You can't be fired for buying IBM"
Or... "DEC Forever" or (one that a was told to me personally in 1989) "PCs will never have the power of Workstations!"
Hate to break it to you, but most phone call trunking is VoIP already.
Yes, but not precisely. The trunks are not the same VOIP that you get when you use your MagicJack or Skype (Skype works pretty well for me actually). You essentially have a digital SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit) that is indeed digitized and compressed, sliced, diced etc. but the more-or-less dedicated bandwidth is 64k. Your cell phone connection is 3k-8k at best. And latency is indeed lower because AT&T set that stuff up back in the days when they actually cared.
Disclaimer: I used to work for carriers on the backend systems, so I had to take classes on all this, but it's been 10+ years since then and this wasn't my area of expertise. So I could have details wrong but the gist of it is correct.
Nothing kills progress than having to create documentation that will never be read or updated.
True, but...
In other words, certain organizations are subject to regulation, and those regulator folks like nothing more than documentation. And every t has to be crossed, i dotted, and every single reference to t has to be linked, defined, version, cross-referenced, index, you have to define how you define everything, etc.
Really just every single last thing in your world has to be defined, and it's rather difficult to get it right.
Guess who's in the middle of an FDA audit?
I have it big time, due to a minor brain injury in my yourh, which also caused a wee bit of epilepsy.
The bright side, such as it is, is that jet lag means nothing to me!
The down side is as MozeeToby says, it's a royal pain trying to be coherent at the same time as most other folk. And very very painful/tiresome when you go days with little to no sleep.
I'd be happy to have a consistent wake/sleep time for some period, but it doesn't happen much. (But I do have a good excuse for having a cot in my office; it helps having a considerate employer) My physician says "take your meds at consistent times each day". I can only laugh at that one.
The highway code explicitly says it's OK to ride bicycles two-abreast.
That's funny, the laws in virtually every jurisdiction I've ridden in - WI, IN, IL,GA,MO,CO,OH - pretty much all say ride single file. It could well be that according to state law it's OK to ride side-by-side in absence of traffic, but local regulations add additional restrictions. However if you're on a single lane road, a car is approaching from behind, and you're riding two-abreast, you're just an asshole.
Like any group, cyclists have great people, total assholes, and everything in between.
My wife and I have shown our marriage certificate exactly ONCE in the 31 years since we got married, and that was to change her name. In effect, we're married because we SAY we're married.
Interesting legal position, I presume.
I will also agree that it is also possible to write perl that is practically indistinguishable from line noise. It just takes discipline.
I eat 1200 calories a day, or less. I exercise intensely ~90 minutes a day (bicycle to work and back with 500+ ft elevation change each way(rolling hills)). At that level I maintain weight.
To lose weight I have to go to below 1000 calories and increase the exercise.
BTW my diet does not include processed foods such as bread or pasta or donuts, nor does it include relatively high carb content foods like potatoes. (Try getting fast food. HA!)
My diet is principally fresh vegetables and fruit, some protein source (small amounts of meat or eggs). Nothing out of a can or a package
Agreed, though, that calories alone do not tell the tale.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen