Comment Math impairment (Score 5, Informative) 187
0.005 defects per thousand lines times 400,000 lines gives a total defect count of 2.
So where did the other 994 defects come from?
0.005 defects per thousand lines times 400,000 lines gives a total defect count of 2.
So where did the other 994 defects come from?
It would not be the first time that an "aide" to a powerful figure made "arrangements" on their bosses behalf and then the "aide" and the bribe was never seen again.
You can read it by applying AC to it, the state changes cancel each other out.
There is an analysis of the screenshot at
The conclusion is that it is probably a screenshot of a wast water treatment plan, not a nuke facility.
The article author has obviously never used windows. SOP would be a reboot, which would have solved the problem.
The whole thing would have taken minutes.
The report was written by the law firm that is defending the school district. Consequently it is attempting to spin everything in the most favourable light to the school district. Any attempt to pin the fault on rogue individuals in the IT department might just be an attempt to minimize liability.
I simply don't trust the report.
Thats not how it works.
The kite is really a steerable sail that moves back and forth across the current, thereby increasing the velocity through the attached turbine.
An animation is available at
This metrification push has gone too far. What next, metric years? Metric pi?\
Pi and the year are related you know.
1 year = pi * 10^7 seconds +/- 0.2%
The best line in the story:
The young mother, her family, and the likely father adapted themselves rapidly to the new situation and some cattle changed hands to prove that there were no hard feelings.
The irony is that the site uses cookies to determine if you are unique to the site or have been there before.
Deleting the cookie (and maybe changing your IP address) and revisiting would introduce spurious duplicates into the database.
Yea, but the latency will kill you.
There are 2 theys in the story, which one lost?
The 160x100 mode reminds me of the code that I wrote that would remap the characters on the fly to get a graphical cursor on top of a text mode display with a 1 pixel resulution. It all worked quite well until I managed to write code that caused the hard drive to crash when I moved the mouse. I could hear the head crash, followed by the drive spinning down and then back up again. This happened twice in a row, exactly when I moved the mouse. I was never willing to risk running that code again and I did not have the previous, working version anymore.
Considering the scale bars at the bottom are set to 200 miles, then I would say its a pretty big flat.
There would be no problem seeing it from orbit, the coffee table is 100 miles by 200 miles just by itself, and the rug is a massive 700 miles square.
Your brother must be rich to afford a flat that big!
Harassing a critic is just a bonus, what the police really wanted was the names of the internal informants so that they can be silenced.
No informants = No credible criticism.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.