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Comment Re:FreeNAS (Score 1) 212

Umm, pretty sure 24GB RAM cost way less than Win 2008 R2. And also pretty sure FreeNAS doesn't require a high power i7. I don't have any recent experience with FreeNAS though. I can't fathom running a Windows Server at home (other then in a lab environment), but I know Linux, and can configure a server to do what I need pretty quickly and easily. If you are better in Windows than more power to you.

Comment Re:Ride one in January (Score 1) 100

I never considered it expensive - I pay for an annual pass (although I just now noticed it got bumped up $50). So even at $150, given that I ride an average of 2 trips per day (year round), that's less than $0.20 per ride, compared to the $3 subway ride I no longer take. On top of that, I'm pretty sure citibike isn't city-funded.

Comment Re:Can someone fill me in? (Score 1) 104

I may be a little fuzzy on the exact details, but Koush made an app for local file streaming, using the SDK. Some time after, the ChromeCast itself started requiring apps to be signed to run, so you could only run the dozen in the Google Play Store. Then for awhile the CC was nothing more than a Netflix streaming device.

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