Comment Dear Mark Zuckerberg (Score 1) 294
I'm writing to you with a concern of critical national importance. I hope that you will read what I've written and consider it carefully. I believe that Facebook has a moral duty to act.
I've spent the last 18 months or so participating in our political process on Facebook. I've joined Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump groups. I've attempted to argue my position with my neighbors and fellow citizens, trying to explain to them why I think Donald Trump's proposals, policies, and distortion of truth are bad for the country. But that's not what I'm writing to you about today.
I'm writing to share the depravity I witnessed and participated in – a torrent of personal attacks, of name-calling, of ad hominem, of attacking the individual instead of the argument. I was called a "fag", a "pussy" and a "libtard". I watched people who shared my position call others "baggers", "stupid fucks", "bigots", "inbred", and "fuckwits". I did it. I am ashamed. These insults don't demean a position, or idea, or way of thinking. Those can easily be discarded by people. They can be shed. They're not an identity, no matter how much identity politics wants us to believe that. I participated in it. I am culpable. You are culpable. We are culpable.
I'll refrain from discussing James Comey's misconduct or RNC obstruction. That's all been well documented. Hillary Clinton called 25% of the country "a basket of deplorables". Not their positions, not their conduct, not their statements – them. That has an impact. It causes social pain. This is a well-documented thing in human health. It exists.
Trevor Noah of the Daily Show, America's least-appreciated successor to Jon Stewart, made a critically important point in my opinion: the basket is actually the most offensive part of this. It conjures images of a portion of the nation about to be thrown away economically, a portion that has been or will be left behind, a portion of the country that – true or not – fears they have no place in human progress. That is toxic. It cannot stand in a free and open society.
I watched my fellow citizens literally hunt down pictures of peoples' children, photoshop text on to them (sorry Adobe), and use them as political ammunition in blind rage. I've watched people use Facebook's comically understaffed and unsophisticated reporting system as a means of retaliation, to get accounts pulled, to remove peoples' ability to participate at all instead of attempt to address their arguments. This is sick. This is depravity. This cannot stand.
Facebook must add tools for fact-checking positions. It must add tools to redirect people away from personal attacks, from tracking down peoples' employers, from mining through the personal lives of others in retaliation for expressing a dissenting opinion, no matter how misguided. It must stop the spread of fake news from Veles, Macedonia designed to channel our collective outrage at things that aren't even true into Google AdSense payments. It needs to stop placing news from domains like USANEWSPOLITIC24.COM on equal visual footing with the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Oregonian. Facebook owes it to the world, it owes it to the country, and it owes it to its shareholders, who would like to see this grand experiment in social participation actually survive long term.
Mark, you have a duty to act. Your silence is disconcerting. Please. America can learn a powerful lesson from this tragedy of an election. The whole world is watching.
Please publish this letter anonymously. Please withhold and protect my identity for a minimum of one year. I genuinely fear reprisal and retaliation. I fear for my country and I fear for my life.