Comment The near-perfect demonstration (Score 1) 139
You demonstrate the point. That you, as a BYU alumnus, would respond to defend Ralph Yarro was perfect, while ultimately ignoring the moral dimension of his actions, which are clearly on the record. I do not think getting close enough to feel the mesmerizing effect he apparently radiates for the likes of you would make a difference to me. I see plenty of people like him.
At BYU, obviously, any mention of sex or anything aligned against the prejudices of the hierarchy (anti-war? anti proposition 8?) is immorality in the extreme while extreme fraud and dishonesty of the worst sort that Ralph or any other of the Gods of the community is guilty of don't even register as being fundamentally evil in character. BYU and Mormondom are by no means the only place this is true, but they come up frequently enough. Your complete lack of morality is obvious to most everyone else. You all love a good fraud, as long as those involved pay monies to the church. How dare anyone bring this up when you are promoting your God-given right to force censorship on others. How noble that you gave Ralph a hard time over his actions with respect to Linux, the Nordas, etc. You sure showed him!