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Comment Isn't it funny? (Score 0, Flamebait) 83

Isn't it funny when it comes to raiding and invading the lives of its citizens, the government has not lack of resources and pulls out all the stops?

But when it comes to protect the border - protecting our communities from invaders, our jobs from being take, our resources from having to be spent on illegals - suddenly they have no resources nor ability?

Comment System for Raiding and Invading Human Lives (Score 0) 83

So secrets about a system that raids and invades people's lives are revealed.

Who has access to this information?

It could be the person next to you at the cafe or in line at the grocery store.

How is this different than rape? What system is in place to assure that this system is only targeted at clear criminal behavior and not just a wide net of what paranoid fascist creeps deem suspicious?

Comment WSL is mostly a toy (Score 4, Informative) 198

I have used Cygwin heavily for years and not long ago evaluated WSL and found it mostly worthless for anything serious. The inability to run daemons at startup severely limits its usefulness. It cannot replace Cygwin which is still much more mature and valuable.

That emoji support is being touted kind of confirms the toy-ness of it.

Comment Re:Dear Google (Score 1) 145

A federal court disagreed with you and many Android developers also do. Google basically tried to rip off Java, not work with it. Nothing they did was collaborative and everything they did was along the lines of trying to hijack it.

I am not a hard-core Android developer but know that many who are find it very distasteful. Fortunately there is now Kotlin. Kotlin is closer to where Google should have started.

Comment Re:Another lesson no one will learn (Score 1) 311

It's not a mistake. Read the Mozilla blog about the bug:


Clarified that the Studies fix applies only to Desktop users of Firefox distributed by Mozilla. Firefox ESR, Firefox for Android, and some versions of Firefox included with Linux distributions will require separate updates. (May 4, 12:03 EST)

I agree with you people can come off as asswipes being overreactive.

Comment Re:Another lesson no one will learn (Score 1) 311

Just checked my Ubuntu box and yes studies is available with FF on Ubuntu 18.04, however on Debian with 66.01 it is not. It is greyed out and not selectable. Mozilla states on their blog:


Clarified that the Studies fix applies only to Desktop users of Firefox distributed by Mozilla. Firefox ESR, Firefox for Android, and some versions of Firefox included with Linux distributions will require separate updates. (May 4, 12:03 EST)

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 925

The United States was originally a white ethnostate. Cf. the 1790 Naturalization Act - first priority of the new Congress, even before the Bill of Rights.

Since around 1970 population levels of whites have dramatically declined as their countries are flooded. In any other biological studied this plummet would clearly be recognized as catastrophic.

What this article is really about is attacking white people for wanting the same thing that every other people on Earth enjoy - to exist in their own lands free from invasion and replacement.

Chinese have China. Japanese have Japan. Indonesians have Indonesia, etc. No one questions it. But only in white countries is it called 'racism'. Racism is a code word for anti-whiteness. It is essentially a code word used by those promoting white genocide.

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