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Apple Newton vs. Apple iPhone 203

An anonymous reader writes "CNET UK has written a head-to-head piece entitled Apple Newton vs Apple iPhone. Despite the Newton being released some 10 years ago, and despite the iPhone being a phone, not a tablet, the site's editors believe the Newton is the more innovative of the two Apple products. The two devices were tied over four rounds, but in the 'Special Powers' element, where the iPhone was praised for its iPod capability, the Newton countered with its ability to play MP3s, connect to iTunes and 'its ability to work as a phone' because 'Blam! Not even the iPhone can do that.'"

Comment Re:Lenovo (Score 1) 583

Chrome is a better browser than anything else coming pre-installed these days, including Firefox 3.x. And I find it funny you noted Adobe Flash player being installed. If it's not, the average user is going to install it in the first 5 minutes anyway. Pretty useful item in the post-1993 internet world.

Google Desktop I'll agree is a pain, very slow, very useless.

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