I cannot agree with this hard enough. The internet doesn't need advertisers or their money. Most web services I use don't even run on ads, they run on donations or private funding.
One need only look at Wikipedia to see this is true. It has continuously been in the top 5 or top 10 visited sites on the Internet almost since its inception. They run a vast media framework with hundreds of millions of viewers, tens (hundreds?) of thousands of contributors, and hundreds of editors - with pictures, videos, music, anything you can think of, all available for free. Not once have they shown a single ad, unless you count those hilarious donation pleas. If you look at their yearly budget reports they have exceeded donation requirements by a wide margin for many years, paving the way for enhanced services and fewer future donation pleas.
Or, if you want to see a complex service that does advertising right, look at DuckDuckGo the search engine. I would argue, and it is debatable, that their search responses are just as good if not sometimes better than Google's. They get more popular every day and remain committed to respecting user privacy. They do essentially the same thing Google did when they had their multi-billion IPO (I realize they have since expanded), only instead of building a huge greedy advert empire, they show one ad. One single, small, text-only ad per query and never anything else - and the only thing they track is the previous query, no search history bullshit like Google.
I'm guessing that the FOSS community could probably do one better than DuckDuckGo by running a *good* search engine on a distributed system (slow but free) or through donations like Wikipedia. It may already exist and either I'm unaware of it or it's still crappy. The point is, the internet doesn't need advertisers - they need us. Same with television and every other service they claim will "disappear" if it weren't for ads. It's a load of crap and they know it which is why they will kick and scream and cry if anything tries to undermine their opulent house of cards.