Comment Re:Sad indeed but... (Score 1) 14
Thanks ShawnKing! AppleInvestorNews indeed looks like a proper alternative.
Thanks ShawnKing! AppleInvestorNews indeed looks like a proper alternative.
The suggested subscription pricing was too high for me. I would happily have paid say $10 per year or so. Maybe even $20. But $50 per year was way too much for me. Too high above the sweet spot. I will miss though, already did. Has been my first website visit of the day for quite a number of years. And there are no alternatives. Only MacinTouch left. Still mourning as well by the way.
Beware that many jailbreakers also install SSH on their devices. SSH comes with a default password "alpine" for the two users present on an iOS device (root and mobile). Both of them obviously need to be changed.
If a jailbreaker forgets to change both default passwords SSH access is wide open and malware can easily be installed from outside.
Same here.
Actually I have always found the GUI part of Mac OS X Server troublesome, for the most part because the GUI actually modifies many of my regular
I manage a few Mac OS X 10.6 Servers providing mail and web services. All configuration except (at the moment) for the addition/deletion of user accounts is done using SSH and home made configuration scripts. Much faster too.
Ernst Mulder
I do not see what the title "Australia Considering IPhone App Censorship" has to do with the story. It's not about Apple nor about the iPhone or iPhone Apps and the title seems to refer to Apple's much discussed censorship on iApps which is not what this is about at all. Please change the title into "Game developers may drop Australian market" or something more appropriate.
That's a great summary of the situation. And in my view that's exactly what makes the difference between the iPad/iPhone and any more regular computing system like a PC, Linux or Mac box.
And cars can be chipped. And iPhones can be jailbroken. Jailbreaking an iPhone is so simple today that anyone could do it*, instead we complain that the system is too closed. By the way, some developers that were refused by Apple's store turn to Cydia instead. Cydia is an alternative appstore for jailbroken phones were you can get both free and commercial apps too.
My iPhone is indeed jailbroken. Not to install pirated software or to make it simlock free, instead I did it to overcome some major annoyances such as the lack of an easy switch to turn that annoying auto-rotation off. I can now internet laying on my side in bed.
*but if you are so "adventurous" to install ssh please change both passwords (root & mobile)!
ClickToFlash is a godsend. Earlier on in this whole Flash debate broke loose someone mentioned it and I've installed it on all OS X systems I use. Some of those are quite old and slow but disabling Flash using ClickToFlash makes web browsing a whole lot quicker on those machines.
ClickToFlash presents the user with a grey square with the word Flash whenever Flash is encountered on a website. The user has the choice to load the Flash content when clicking on the square. Sites can be whitelisted. And as an extra the source url of the Flash content are shown when hovering over it so it's quite easy to distinguish adds.
So, we're not allowed to cross compile. While software compiled by Apple's developer tools are OK.
Isn't the workaround then to cross-compile to XCode source code instead?
I must have mistyped slashdot and accidentally entered More coffee...
The differences in product design (packaging in this case) are nicely spelled out in this little parody
From TFA: "When clocks struck midnight on January 1st and the dreaded Y2K bug turned out to be nothing but a mild irritant, it proved once again that the experts often don't know what the heck they're talking about."
Well, that kinda hurts.
I was responsible for a newspaper ordering system that definitely would have stopped processing orders in 2000. Cost quite a number of man hours. The majority of the Y2K my team had to solve weren't for the year 2000 but for passing into the year 1999 because many ordering systems had stupid (year+1) counters internally. It was a very stressful period and I very happy it went the way it did without major disasters.
The experts that didn't (and don't) know what they are talking about are the ones thinking you can upper-limit a year counter at 1999 (or 2039).
Gilmoure's article almost feels like it was posted just for the heck of it. Or he has very particular designer friends.
How could a switch to some open source alternatives be in anyway better than running a "not officially supported but otherwise proven" version? Every existing file would have to be converted, there would be many conversion issues. If the design friends are working for a design studio it would be MUCH cheaper to just upgrade to CS4. Or to stay with Mac OS X 10.5 for the time being.
Anybody that's making a living on production work using computers should stay away from version
Next time in a forum: "I've voluntarily upgraded to Mac OS X 10.6 and now my Photoshop documents are corrupted. All my customers are angry and I'm loosing a lot of money and all my customers go somewhere else. Sue Apple!"...
If you install a lot of non-Apple stuff you have to know how to use ssh/scp/rsync if you want to keep all your non-Apple-application data over upgrades. I usually make a rsync backup of my phone before I upgrade so that I can rsync stuff back afterwards. Keeping your packages is reatively easy, just list the ones you installed before upgrading (dbkg -l) and use apt-get to re-install them after upgrading. With the latest Cydia incarnation you have to use Cydia's GUI app to install apt-get after you upgrade. The average user would probably just use Cydia's GUI to install the three or so Cydia apps that got lost during the upgrade. And please change your ssh password (default = well known = alpine) if you leave ssh on. For both users (mobile, root).
That's not quite right. Firstly jailbreaking has almost nohing to do with the ability to make phone calls. Secondly the cat-and-mouse thing is not your call, you simply need to wait a bit longer before you upgrade your phone to the lastest and greatest. And thirdly when you acidentally do upgrade "the official Apple way" the jailbreak is gone and you are left with a perfectly working non jailbroken phone.
Unlocking however is something else entirely.
Oh apparently they already did. As of 30-7 "GV Mobile" version 1.2.2 is available in the ModMyi repository in Cydia for free. See Official word from Sean Kovacs can be read here:
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.