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Comment Legitimately good idea. (Score 4, Interesting) 105

I'm not saying this is the end all and be all solution to memory safety. However, this is still a good step in an interesting direction. Why not try to retrofit memory safety into C++? This kinda makes sense conceptually. If there are developers who insist on C++, then it makes sense to attempt to develop a memory safe version.

Even Rust has unsafe blocks where you can use unsafe features, so it's actually not as much of a stretch to imagine a memory safe version of C++ as you'd think. We already have examples of memory safe languages that are C++-like or C++-inspired (Java, C#), so I think it's actually reasonable to try to adopt the features of memory safe languages. C++ is known for having everything and the kitchen sink, so why not adopt both Rust-like memory safety options as well as garbage collection, and let users choose?

These are just ideas I'm throwing out here, my main message is that this is that I like this line of thinking, and I think it could be a step in the right direction. Sure, it has a lot of issues that still need to be addressed (like how do you enforce safety for users who want to enforce it?), but I just feel like there's some good core thinking behind this.

Comment Feels weird (Score 3) 28

This makes me feel weird about the time and effort I put in to doing password hashing on my websites. I didnâ(TM)t spend that much time on it but I made sure to do it, it seemed like an obvious required first step, but I guess actually most people just donâ(TM)t bother at first? Feels weird. Also it wasnt that hard which is the other weird thing.

Comment AI is not taking these jobs. (Score 3, Informative) 46

Instead these jobs are likely being cut in order to fund AI research and software development. AI currently literally can't do these jobs, it's nice to speculate about from the outside, but it's literally not a thing that's possible in this line of work right now. I get that everyone wants to panic about AI taking your job, but I've worked with AI for many years, and I can assure you that it isn't even qualified to write your cover letter yet, let alone doing your job for you. The hype is largely spread by people who want to make money off of it. If you actually use it and work with it on a regular basis, you know better.

There are hard limits on what current AI is capable of, but the people who want to sell you AI don't want you to look into it too hard. They just want you to think that somewhere out there, there is nebulous and vague "AI" that might take over. Except it doesn't exit.

Comment Top talent is insanely valuable (Score 3, Insightful) 43

Companies sometimes forget that you can't just replace top talent. These are not minimum wage jobs where you can just hire anyone and they'll do about as well as anyone else. Software engineering is a highly skilled specialized job that relatively few people have the skills for to begin with. The difference between top talent, or even middle talent, and bad talent is huge. You can't just hire anyone. It's insanely hard to find, hire, and retain good software engineers. Most people who are good at software engineering are not available, they already have jobs and don't plan on leaving. Companies for decades have been trying to make software engineering more replaceable, but those efforts have largely failed just because at the end of the day this is an insanely technical and difficult field.

There is this myth among people who are not software engineers that software engineering is easy. You can't just "learn to code" and then get a job in the field any more than you could "learn to weld" and then design engines for fighter jets. This is a real field of engineering that is insanely technical and very complex, and if you don't believe me, pick up a copy of "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen et al, and just try to read it... and that book is an introduction! It's intro level! The people who are good at this job have dedicated their entire lives to it. They have lived, eaten and breathed this stuff since they were old enough to use a computer, and it took all of that time and effort just to get "good enough" at it. You can't just find talent anywhere, it is a serious engineering discipline. You're not dealing with McDonalds employees here.

Even if you find someone new, it's pretty well known that it can take 6 months to a year to get new hires up to speed.

In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, talented groups of engineers used to leave big companies to found their own companies, often competing with their former employers, sometimes with enormous success. This trend was so common that companies started to require employees to sign "do not compete" clauses. If an entire talented team like this leaves a company all at once, they can very easily found their own company, and put their former employer out of business. All the money in the world isn't going to help you if your team sucks, and all your best talent just left to compete with you. I think companies have forgotten just how much power groups of top talent have.

Comment Worse than nothing. (Score 2) 73

This keeps happening with AI: it gets billed as amazing and life changing, and then it ends up being worse than something that an amateur with no experience and no preparation would do. Often the result is appallingly bad, like this. How can you sell this to newsrooms across the country when a teenage intern with no experience would do better if you just handed them a piece of paper?

You can't just slap the word "AI" on something and then hope it'll sell. This is just like the dot com boom when everyone thought that just slapping "dot com" on your company's name would make it a success.

Comment Fix the actual problem? (Score 1) 109

Has anyone considered, you know, fixing the actual issue that is causing birds to be electrocuted? This is the symptom of an actual problem, but I feel like no one has brought up actually fixing whatever is going wrong that causes this to happen, instead we're all jumping right to more extreme solutions before even figuring out what the problem is or attempting an actual fix of the core issue.

Comment They're not wrong. (Score 0) 107

If you build a highly encrypted platform, obviously criminals and bad people are going to use it. So are good innocent people. Strong encryption is a double edged sword. It protects the privacy of ordinary people and horrific criminals equally. This is really a debate over how much privacy we want as a society versus how much crime we're willing to put with in exchange. It's the classic debate of surveillance versus privacy. You can pay in privacy to have greater security, and you can pay in security to have greater privacy. There are extremists on both sides.

Personally, I tend to favor some kind of difficult middle ground, but I have to admit that as an engineer, I do like the idea of strong encryption for my own personal use. But as a man living in our society, I also have to admit that the same encryption can enable horrific crimes including murder and the abuse of children. To me, that suggests we need to find some kind of balance between protecting people and safeguarding privacy. Finding middle ground is really hard because people want to pull you in both directions.

Comment Complex subject. (Score 2) 102

Most of the software you pay money for uses a lot of open source software. Companies tend to use the open source software with only the most permissive licenses, those are pretty much the only ones that legal approves. If the license was instead a contract, or if the license was more restrictive, then they would just build their own software rather than using the open source one.

So, it's a complex subject, because yes it would be nice if the software making a lot of money kicked something back to the open source that it's based on, but on the other hand if they had to kick anything back at all, then they would just not have used the open source software in the first place. If you want your software to be used by companies, then you can use a license like BSD, but if you want companies to never touch it, then you can go with GPL (which most legal departments forbid), or a contract like what's talked about here.

This brings up the larger philosophical debate of "what is open source for?" If it is for engineers to learn from and contribute to, then we don't necessarily need to worry about money in either direction. If the point of open source is free software, then clearly we'd want a restrictive license rather than a contract (since we don't want anyone paying for it). If the point of open source is to make money, then you probably don't need an open source license at all, it'd just be a traditional proprietary program with source available (many companies still sell products like this).

The contract thing is a good idea on paper, but it won't work in reality because of these constraints. I'd like to see the developers of important open source projects get paid too, but I don't think that's going to happen outside of what we're already doing.

Comment "Crypto-adjacent AI Company" (Score 1) 31

This is a weirdly low quality demo considering Google's impressive Doom demo that just came out. I couldn't stop thinking today about how low quality this demo is, and then on re-reading the description, I saw that this came from a "crypto-adjacent AI company." So yeah, this just feels like someone quickly trying to cash in on the hype around Google's demo without actually putting in any of the work to make it not awful. Even Google's demo, while very impressive, is still ridiculously bad compared to actual Doom.

This Mario "demo" feels like something I could cook up in a weekend on my own computer. Trying to say that this "demo" shows that AI will one day replace game engines is one of the largest leaps of logic I've heard in a long time. All I have to say is... good luck with that...

Comment With great power comes great stupidity. (Score 4, Interesting) 295

Ah yes, random amateurs printing drugs at home, what could possibly go wrong? I'm all for small companies more easily manufacturing drugs, and the technology to support that... but remember that awful neighbor you had that one time? You know the one. Do you really want him printing random drugs? Is he responsible enough for that? Really?

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