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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Edward Scissorhands would hate this opponent  *Saturday April 05, 2014 @12:26PM  2
   attached to A Rock Paper Scissors Brainteaser
Re:I call bullshit  *Friday August 23, 2013 @10:22AM  1
Re:I call bullshit  *Friday August 23, 2013 @09:19AM 3 2
Re:Nice rant but missed the point.  *Friday August 23, 2013 @08:34AM 1 1
I call bullshit  *Friday August 23, 2013 @05:13AM 7 5, Interesting
   attached to How Companies Are Preparing For the IT Workforce Exodus
Really crappy aerodynamics  *Wednesday June 12, 2013 @08:54AM 1 4, Insightful
   attached to Project Envisions Modular Aircraft That Double as Train Cars
Super-excited  *Saturday May 11, 2013 @08:59PM  1
   attached to Compared to its non-Super version, I most prefer ...
Go to work for Microsoft or Google  *Friday January 13, 2012 @02:56PM 1 0
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Advancing a Programming Career?
Re:Birth Control  *Saturday January 30, 2010 @08:31AM 1 1
   attached to Gates Foundation Plans To Invest $10B Into Vaccines
Re:null or not null, that is the question  *Tuesday March 03, 2009 @12:52PM  1
   attached to Null References, the Billion Dollar Mistake
Accuracy in naming  *Friday December 14, 2007 @12:48PM  1
   attached to Dutch Government Adopts Open Source Software Initiative
Law of averages  *Friday May 12, 2006 @08:52AM  -1, Offtopic
   attached to Mobile Phone Transmitter Causes Brain Tumours?
Re:I've tried PowerShell (formerly Monad)  *Tuesday April 25, 2006 @11:44PM 1 1
I've tried PowerShell (formerly Monad)  *Tuesday April 25, 2006 @05:42PM 4 4, Insightful
   attached to Microsoft PowerShell RC1
Not the most insiteful of articles!  *Tuesday August 10, 2004 @08:25AM  1
   attached to Apple vs. Microsoft Myths Revisited
Misconceptions about function of underwriters  *Sunday August 08, 2004 @12:43PM 3 3, Informative
   attached to Why Wall Street Wants Google to Fail
This is not a hoax warning!  *Tuesday June 29, 2004 @04:04PM  2, Funny
   attached to Forward This Article And Get Paid $203.15
Microsoft finally is going to enter the PC market  *Thursday May 27, 2004 @10:48PM  1
   attached to Xbox Next to Include PC/Console Hybrid Option?
How this fits into Microsoft's scheme  *Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:45PM 4 5, Insightful
   attached to Turbolinux Licenses Windows Media 9
Pick a project and do it  *Monday April 26, 2004 @04:42PM  1
   attached to Moving Up the IT Ladder in a Poor Economy?
It is trivial!  *Monday April 26, 2004 @12:55PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to NetBSD Trademark Application Completed
Re:Morally?  *Friday April 02, 2004 @09:35AM  1
   attached to How India is Saving Capitalism
This may be unpopular, but there is another vision  *Friday January 17, 2003 @05:21PM  1
   attached to AMI Guy Talks About TCPA, Palladium, and Other BIOS Issues

Only great masters of style can succeed in being obtuse. -- Oscar Wilde Most UNIX programmers are great masters of style. -- The Unnamed Usenetter
