Comment Did they learn nothing from Namco? (Score 1) 32
I'm old enough to remember backlash against Namco for patenting loading screen mini games back when more time was needed on those screens.
I'm old enough to remember backlash against Namco for patenting loading screen mini games back when more time was needed on those screens.
Rejoice, for they have spliced those preroll ads in to the videos themselves without changing any of the timings on videos, such as subtitles or next episode.
Mack Beggs would like a word.
Have any hot grits?
To use a simple break down of how far 1280GB goes, Prime video using the "best" quality uses 6.84 GB per hour. That leaves 187 hours of usage before going over. Say you have 2 people watching different things because they can't or wont want to do anything else, or just use it as second screen content, which essentially leaves 3 hours per day, per person before going over. A lot of these plans are advertised for families with multiple screens being able to stream. How much is a family of 4, say dad watching a baseball game, mom watching cooking shows (sorry, just what mine enjoys, nothing more is intended), the kids watching different cartoons, going to blast by that cap by with each additional 50 GB costing $10?
That is why the plans are predatory.
A lot more people will forget to unsubscribe to a service when it is $8 vs the same service for $15. Part of the beauty of subscriptions from the corporate side is just that. "How much can we charge before people will remember and cancel" and I think we just hit that point for Netflix.
Can you imagine taking Harvard to court if they don't release the claims?
if you don't have a phone.
I hear the kids call that "smurfing"
I'd say highest bidder instead of Beijing, or in other words the same as every politician since at least 2001. On the bright side, at least dems use a touch of lube when ramming it up the poop shoot.
It also helps if those in the center and left aren't banned almost instantly.
I tried watching a KBO game on ESPN and the visual of no crowd with the sound of a crowd got me to turn it off after 3 innings.
It was coming anyway, the virus just got it here faster.
About 2 months ago Tencent shortly published some numbers which were roughly 10x what the government was reporting
If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley