Comment Re: Not Surprised. (Score 1) 297
the Model 3 is $39,990 right now. That's $2000 less than the 35k adjusted for inflation from 2017 when the model 3 was released.
the Model 3 is $39,990 right now. That's $2000 less than the 35k adjusted for inflation from 2017 when the model 3 was released.
From the country that brought you "we can't even switch to metric" comes their latest hit, "ID cards are too hard".
The article says at full capacity they will produce around 20GWh annually. Currently Nevada's producing over 43 GWh annually. They also go on to say that they will eventually provide enough for 200,000 vehicles, a number that's slightly over half of what Tesla's producing quarterly.
A headline like "Michigan is Becoming the Center of US Battery Manufacturing" seems pretty overly optimistic. Maybe "Michigan is Becoming a player in US Battery Manufacturing" wouldn't get as many clicks.'s a rock.
So grateful, its removal has been a pain in the butt continuously every day since its removal. (like, even in composing this post)
No, letâ(TM)s wait another 20 years then do it. Then this will be even more pointless.
For the last several years I've been signing the word FART in all caps as large as I can fit on the page or screen whenever I sign for something. I figured if there was any point to that signature somebody somewhere would say something. No one ever has said peep. I've gotten a couple of laughs from the checkout people but that's it. If that doesn't show how dumb that is I don't know what will.
That Buford's a sly one!
If you close your eyes it won't unlock.
Well, back to building hackintoshes I guess.
It's the OS that has me sold, the hardware has been nice but I entered the Apple ecosystem by way of building my own computers I guess when my current MacBook pro starts showing signs of age I'll go back that direction. That is unless someone at apple gets fired and a new lineup of decent machines materializes.
Wow, it's been so long since I've seen a site get slashdotted that I almost forgot about the term!
they just bought the Facebook of the unemployed! Maybe they bought it for their own use?
Stock iOS should have a toggle switch to enable Cydia. All those amazing people who spend their time finding security holes to enabled jailbreaking could then focus on making the OS better. I hate that in order to use my iPhone the way i want i have to depend on a security hole being found.
That's right, they belong to Russian hackers you insensitive clods!
You know i just went and read the wikipedia page on the german drivers license and i dont see how the testing is much different than the US, at least in my experiences in OR and AZ. Care to elaborate?
Any pictures of the crack? Save the story for later.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen