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Comment Re:It always amazed me (Score 1) 47

You can shrug off the stranger there to help you. Although I have helped to get the archetypical American tourist back to safety. He was too heavy for the helper alone to haul him back in.
The view from up there, while you are hanging out of the castle battlement, is terrific!

Comment Pure invention (Score 1) 250

Sounds like the chamber of commerce of a city managed to place another ad.

There are surveys about life quality in cities:
Oh, SF does not appear in the top ten. And in my personal opinion, when we use big words like a "new renaissance", former super powers struggling with their decline are not the candidates I associate with a renewal of art and science...

Comment Looked again at beta, now searching alternative (Score 1) 2219

While I remember having had a look at the beta, after opting out I never tried again. Due to your "post" I looked again.
Yes, I still hate the wasted real estate of my screen. The useless pictures (helpful picture of pills for an article about the pharma industry) annoy me. I do not see why the right 30% of my browser window stay pristine white when reading comments.

Now I seriously started to look around for other sites with a similar content like /.

Comment Tax fraud heaven? (Score 1) 109

I am surprised how many bought the simple "tax fraud heaven" formula their leaders were feeding them. Imagine, there is a country where the tax authority does not automatically know how much you make and how much you own. You have to declare it. And with in some limits, the tax authority must trust you. There are checks to make sure everybody plays fair. However, per default, the state does not assume that you are a cheating liar. Can you say the same about your country?

And although this system can be abused, the business model is not primarily to attract money from foreigners. The natives have sufficient control over the government to create a comfortable system for themselves. We are extending this luxury to foreigners as well.

And believe it or not. There were instances in the past when foreigners were glad to be able to hide their money from a dictatorship...

(declaration of bias: Swiss, working at a Swiss bank, actually a bit proud to live in a democracy)

Comment cross-jurisdiction mess (Score 1) 290

Sometimes HA and DR is accomplished by having your data mirrored to various data centers. Worst case, you do not even know in which jurisdiction the data centers are. Suddenly, your data is governed by the law of another country. If you live in a police state, this might not frighten you. For some of us, the result is not normal.

Submission + - New in-memory rootkit discovered by German hoster (

einar2 writes: German hoster Hetzner informed customers that login data for their admin surface might have been compromised.
End of last week, a backdoor in a monitoring server was found. Closer examination led to the discovery of a rootkit residing in memory. The rootkit does not touch files on storage but patches running processes in memory. Malicious code is directly injected into running processes. According to Hetzner the attack is surprisingly sophisticated. (link in German)

Comment Re:The Swiss dirty public secert. (Score 1) 783

I do not know your cultural background. However, you seem to extend your ideas of right and wrong on other cultures. Often, this is neither fair nor wise.
Why do you believe that your government (or any government) should look into the wallet of its citizen? The Swiss do not consider this a good idea. And yes, this might be abused to break other countries' laws. On the other hand, it also helps people to protect their property. Which is in most cultures (not in all) a basic right.

I am always amazed how even in a forum like slashdot, where privacy is typically highly valued, people just repeat the dogma they are fed by their governments

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