If I were 20 years younger, I could probably write a doctoral dissertation on this.
No need, The paper "A principled approach to software Engineering Education, or Java considered Harmful" was written 16 years ago, see https://www.adacore.com/uploads/techPapers/principled_approach.pdf
up to 30% during the wee hours.
That's the wrong kind of humidity...
If the laws of physics are violated, then dark matter can be explained by purple elephants spontaneously materializing in space.
I think you mean spherical purple elephants
First Post !
I'm 91% sure it's a fake first post
Or maybe, What's left in your wake after space-time accelerates past you faster than the speed of light?
Or strings, as physicists like to call them...
For bonus nerd creds, I'm writing an essay titled "How hot would it be if Commander Deanna Troi made out with Samantha Carter?".
I would give that 7 of 9 points on the hotness scale...
Please produce real numbers for real programs demonstrating a significant cost from bounds-checking.
Where the smeg is Nodnol?
In Dnalgne, on a planet called Htrae, of course
It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution.