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Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 397

I'll agree that there were two groups - the usual black bloc and then what you call the facebook rioters. But I'll have to tell you that angry Canucks fans were NOT the minority - in fact that was the group that made up most of the facebook rioters. Just look at the photos - most rioters wear Canucks jerseys, many even older versions of the jerseys which would now be expensive collector's items. And I am not talking about people standing there and filming, I am talking about people jumping on cars and tossing them over. These were people who didn't necessarily go downtown with the expectation of a riot (you can tell - unlike the black bloc, they did not come prepared with bandanas etc), but got carried away in the moment, either by the loss of the game, or by seeing the black bloc do its thing and getting away with it (for the moment).

I live downtown Van, I saw many dozens, if not hundreds of Canucks fans go by with parts of police barricades, sticks, arms and legs ripped off mannequins from some shop window, etc. The highrise I live in would also have been ransacked as well if we didn't have a bunch of guys standing out front guarding it. The most shocking part of it all was to see how "normal" the vandals were - a complete cross-section of Vancouver society, white, asian, indian, man and woman, all going into a frenzy.

Comment Re:Looking forward to Lion (Score 1) 201

First of all, I strongly doubt that Apple has written an OS that adds autosave or resume to every running application. If they did, I will be impressed; more likely, applications must use specific OS hooks to get these features.

Why? Autosave is something you could implement today for any given OS X application using AppleScript. All you need is to do is write a 3 linear script that calls the "Save" hook every couple of minutes. Of course that isn't all that desirable, since the user should be able to control when the original gets overwritten. But as soon as you have a versioning file system, that concern no longer exists. Just automatically send call the save function of all applications every couple of minutes. For resume, you just get asked on program start whether you want to load the latest snapshot or the explicitly saved previous version. Very simple.

Comment Re:Wrong. Dead Wrong. (Score 1) 198

Wow, you really have no clue. If your problems are that loosely coupled, then you don't need to do SIMD at all, just solve each matrix in a separate process on separate CPU. For typical applications where supercomputers are used the problem is to solve a single, huge problem, not a gazillion small ones. That is when parallelism becomes hard, otherwise you don't need a supercomputer at all.

Comment Re:Simple Solution (Score 0) 583

Whatever, I want to see him do computer graphics without calculus and continuous math, just as an example.

That said, his statement is a bit more credible if you looks specifically at his own institution. U Tennessee isn't exactly a top tier school, so I would expect their graduates to go into relatively low profile positions, possibly web design with a bit of PHP, or possibly they'll learn network or system administration after their degree and move into that. They are not going to be expert programmers at Google or Microsoft.

Also, at any decent university, you are not getting a Computer Science degree. You are getting a Science degree with a specialization in CS. That means you are supposed to have a fairly broad understanding of science and math when you graduate, so even though you may have specialized in CS you will be able to shift to other fields within science to some degree. If that is not for you, then go to vocational school.

Comment Re:You overlooked something... (Score 3) 607

I can't speak for the GP, but as a Canadian I agree with the GP. My source(s) of information:

- I read news from sources in the Canada, the US, UK, and Germany. Somehow they all seem to make some level of sense, except for the American version.

- first hand opinions expressed by Americans on online fora. To name an example, I don't think you'd get a significant number of people from any other western country to have a Democracy vs Republic debate along the lines of what just happened in the parallel Utah thread. Sometimes I have to resign to just look in awe about the level of collective brainwashing that seems to be going on in the US.

Comment Re:Go China! (Score 1) 387

I know about the political situation - I live in Western Canada. But you didn't read my post properly: Canada HAS nuclear reactor technology, we HAVE nuclear reactors, and we DO sell them abroad - they are actually quite a success: see CANDU reactor.

The question was why Canada went with this more traditional design, rather than a thorium design.

Comment Re:I KNOW! Ebert's point! It is bulshit. (Score 1) 436

Finally, the human eye does not perceive things as a perfectly flat image in the first place. The rods in your eyes are much more sensitive than the cones, which means that they tend to pick up scattered light, whereas the cones basically only detect direct light. This means that a single human eye can perceive a difference in focal distance in a way that cameras cannot. This difference results in subtle fringing around real-world objects of differing depth that can provide further depth clues.

This seems unlikely, since rods are inhibited in situations where there is enough light for cones to function (i.e. at normal photopic light levels). Basically, rods just saturate and do not contribute to human vision vision at daylight levels. Do you have a reference?

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