Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 397
I'll agree that there were two groups - the usual black bloc and then what you call the facebook rioters. But I'll have to tell you that angry Canucks fans were NOT the minority - in fact that was the group that made up most of the facebook rioters. Just look at the photos - most rioters wear Canucks jerseys, many even older versions of the jerseys which would now be expensive collector's items. And I am not talking about people standing there and filming, I am talking about people jumping on cars and tossing them over. These were people who didn't necessarily go downtown with the expectation of a riot (you can tell - unlike the black bloc, they did not come prepared with bandanas etc), but got carried away in the moment, either by the loss of the game, or by seeing the black bloc do its thing and getting away with it (for the moment).
I live downtown Van, I saw many dozens, if not hundreds of Canucks fans go by with parts of police barricades, sticks, arms and legs ripped off mannequins from some shop window, etc. The highrise I live in would also have been ransacked as well if we didn't have a bunch of guys standing out front guarding it. The most shocking part of it all was to see how "normal" the vandals were - a complete cross-section of Vancouver society, white, asian, indian, man and woman, all going into a frenzy.