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Comment Re:Astronomy: Astrology for Physicists (Score 1) 141

If it were 13 billion light years away or some shit, then yeah I'd get it. But 6,000???? Can someone with some legit knowledge explain this?

There is no law that I'm aware of that states that objects closer to us have to be somehow newer. The Big Bang happened all around us - yes, right there where you are standing. And everywhere else in the universe. So the oldest thing in the universe may very well be very close to us. In fact, all the sub-atomic particles that you and I are made of are as old as the universe, so that statement is trivially true.

This intuition that old things are very far away probably originates from the fact that when we look at objects very far away, we are looking into the past at "old" objects, because of the limitations imposed by the speed of light. That does not mean that objects closer to us have to be somehow "newer".

Comment Re:There are different opinions (Score 1) 92

"Digital Foundry has published an article from an anonymous but trusted developer outlining the challenges of developing for the Nintendo Wii U. The piece confirms some common perceptions of Nintendo, such as their attitude to third party developers, and presents a few surprises, like networking code not being made available to outside developers until the console was almost on sale."

I have read that time and time again, and every time it seems to indicate that this is the current state of affairs.

Comment Management theory (Score 2) 136

Ah, just another insight into the wonderful word of management theory. I wonder if the esteemed people who concern themselves with the knowledge of what it takes to run a successful company will ever just admit to themselves that perhaps this about as useful as trying to understand a winning strategy of casino slots?

Comment 21 billion hours... (Score 1) 145

I don't know - I listened to Jane's TED talk and in spite of totally liking the idea, I just don't think her argument is very sound. Take her calculation of 21 billions hours a week - she came upon that number by simply extrapolating it from some historical account, where people in a society (I think it was some ancient Greek region) were asked to play games in order to keep their minds of the fact that they don't have food. Multiply the amount of hours spent by ancient starving Greek with today's population size - bam! 21 billion hours per week!

Comment 8/2? (Score 1) 583

Any users accessing a Freedom Hosting hosted site since 8/2 with javascript enabled

Is this like an American August 2nd, or a rest-of-the-world 8 February?

And no, I did not RTFA. Worried that the FBI would be tracking everybody who is even interested in this news.

Comment Re:Cool. (Score 1) 99

Instead, blame the OS manufactures, and the owners of the bot-ridden machines. Seriously. It's your fault if you don't know enough about your car that you ignore the oil light and it seizes up on a highway.

Well, if an idiot ignores his oil light and ends up stranded on the highway, that is generally his problem. If an idiot allows a bot to run on his server, that becomes everybody's problem.

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