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Submission + - DefCon Ninja Badges Let Hackers Do Battle (

eecue writes: The folks at DefCon, the world's largest hacker convention [previously on slashdot], have been making awesome badges for years. Last year along with the convention badge, a group of hackers known as the Ninjas created an electronic badge for their exclusive party. This year the Ninjas have taken the whole electronic badge thing to the next level with an interactive, wireless, encrypted ninja battle video game badge. I convinved the Ninjas to give an exclusive sneak peek, and let me tell you, this thing is awesome.

Submission + - Scientists Hack Cellphone to Detect Diseases (

Dave Bullock (eecue) writes: "A new MacGyver-esque cellphone hack could bring cheap, on-the-spot disease detection to even the most remote villages on the planet. Using only an LED, plastic light filter and some wires, scientists at UCLA have modded a cellphone into a portable blood tester capable of detecting HIV, malaria and other illnesses.

Blood tests today require either refrigerator-sized machines that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or a trained technician who manually identifies and counts cells under a microscope. These systems are slow, expensive and require dedicated labs to function. And soon they could be a thing of the past."

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