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Comment Re:It's a transition for the better (Score 1) 148

Working in a computer store last century, I met 40 year olds who told me they were too old to learn how to use micro-computers. But at the same time I had a customer who was 84 years old (I knew his age because he was buy a present for his own birthday) tell me about all the expansions and extras he was adding to his machine. And he was looking forward to what to do on his computer next.

Comment Re:It's not the half-life... (Score 1) 47

Did I read this right? With just some more radiation protection you can get 34.969 units of power vs the present 5.6 that 238Pu provides? Considering the time frames and the costs of making and launching these probes, the extra cost vs the extra power really suggests that 232U is the way to go. Six times more power, there would be no need to cut back.

Comment Re:Sounds Like More Profit (Score 1) 165

My cruise agent closed his office and now does all his work from home. I asked how it is working. He said the lose in business (walk-ins) is far less than the rent for old the office in a mall. So it is not just tech companies, lots of businesses are finding they do not need to rent an office to do business.

Comment Re:It's not just India (Score 0) 150

I hate this! I am Black. my family is all Black. And we had our education here in Canada. Then my parents moved to Florida with my younger brothers. Suddenly, my middle of the class young student brothers became the TOP STUDENTS in the school. Then they found out a far worse fact. Many of their fellow students were trying their best to prove they were 1/16 Black to get automatic score inflation and had a hard time with the fact that my brothers got their grades WITHOUT any outside factors. Imagine, getting a better score because of some ancestor.

Comment Re:Time for HR to drop need degree & have trad (Score 2) 150

College taught me little about programming, but it taught me how my programs fit inside a business. That was what going to college made it worthwhile for me. What programming skills I would probably develop anyway, but understanding how business works and how my programs could effect the operation I likely would not learn on my own.

Comment Re:Time for HR to drop need degree & have trad (Score 1) 150

I got my first full time programming job by bring in a listing of the program I wrote (privately) for an insurance division. The interviewers spent more time looking and analyzing my program than asking me about my college education. Later in another computer business myself and another tech were included in the interviews, We had people get up and leave when they found us asking 'REAL' questions about how they would solve problems. Note: not the answer to the problem, just how they would go about solving the problem. Most of the people who went to those fast (one year) education program were complete failures.

Comment Re:The government bottleneck (Score 1) 35

Would you like to be flying in a plane to your vacation, and suddenly someone decides to put a big rocket in your flight path? The regulations used today do seem to go too far at times, but if you look into the history of flight you find many of the earlier accidents occurred when there were no regulations covering some of the actions taken. Watch the show "Mayday" to see what I mean.

Comment Re:Quantum entangled bits for the win !Nordstream' (Score 2, Insightful) 25

Yes, I seen that too often. And the ones who do this the most are exactly the people who know the last about how anything works. To them science is just a bunch of magic actions. You can even see this if you just re-arrange the icons on their desktop or the menu in a program. Suddenly they are just lost because the 'magic' actions they did before do not work. The old Simpson joke where they can't turn on the TV because the batteries died is something you see in real life too.

Comment Re:The real reason all companies at same time.. (Score 1) 218

Garbage, it is not government, it is middle and higher managers that find the company works fine without the employees being managed by them (nosy managers who do not know what they should). At that point there is no need these managers, and they are trying to protect their jobs. Jobs and money the company does not need to pay for to run the company.

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