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Comment You guys are kind of assholes. (Score 1) 395

I'm in Zone A in Brooklyn, part of the mandatory evacuation area. I live in a basement apartment that is sure to be flooded. I moved everything I couldn't live without out to a friend's today and am stacking everything else 2-3 feet above the floor just in case.

I suppose more of you would be satisfied if it were a Cat-2 or Cat-3 when it hits NYC, somehow 70mph winds with 15-20 inches of rain and a 10-15 foot swell isn't enough for you. The economic hit of suspending the city for 2 days isn't enough for you. Do you want a Katrina disaster? I don't get it.

Anyways, fuck you, back to packing for me.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 121

No it doesn't. Majority means the highest percentage. If 47% of the readers of Slashdot are from the US, you then carve the remaining percentage across every other country. Unless another country makes up another 47% and the remaining 6% is spread across the rest of the globe, the US makes up the majority of readers on Slashdot.

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