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Submission + - Popular Science posts their archives for free (popsci.com)

DesScorp writes: "Popular Science magazine has scanned every issue they've ever produced, and posted the archives at their website, at no charge. "We've partnered with Google to offer our entire 137-year archive for free browsing. Each issue appears just as it did at its original time of publication, complete with period advertisements. It's an amazing resource that beautifully encapsulates our ongoing fascination with the future, and science and technology's incredible potential to improve our lives. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.""

AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA Over the Next 10 Years 213

GhostX9 writes "Alan Dang from Tom's Hardware has just written a speculative op-ed on the future of AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA in the next decade. They talk about the strengths of AMD's combined GPU and CPU teams, Intel's experience with VLIW architectures, and NVIDIA's software lead in the GPU computing world." What do you think it will take to stay on top over the next ten years? Or, will we have a newcomer that usurps the throne and puts everyone else out of business?

Measuring the Speed of Light With Valentine's Day Chocolate 126

Cytotoxic writes "What to do with all of those leftover Valentine's Day chocolates? — a common problem for the Slashdot crowd. The folks over at Wired magazine have an answer for you in a nice article showing how to measure the speed of light with a microwave and some chocolate. A simple yet surprisingly accurate method that can be used to introduce the scientific method to children and others in need of a scientific education."

Correlation Found Between Brain Structure and Video Game Success 110

kghapa writes "Still want to argue that video games shrink your brain? While video games have been previously shown to stimulate brain activity and improve coordination skills, a recently published study has directly linked structures in the human brain with video game aptitude. And yes, apparently size does matter in this case. Quoting: '... each subject received 20 hours of training to play a video game specifically created for research purposes, called Space Fortress. It's basically an Asteroids-type arcade game, in which the object is to knock down and destroy an enemy fortress while dodging space mines. However, the game has lots of extra twists that require close attention. Some of the players were told to focus exclusively on running up a high score, while others were told to shift their priorities between several goals. The result? The subjects who had more volume in an area called the nucleus accumbens did significantly better in the early stages of training. Meanwhile, those who were well-endowed in different areas of the striatum, known as the caudate nucleus and putamen, handled the shifting strategies better.'"

Police Called Over 11-Year-Old's Science Project 687

garg0yle writes "Police in San Diego were called to investigate an 11-year-old's science project, consisting of 'a motion detector made out of an empty Gatorade bottle and some electronics,' after the vice-principal came to the conclusion that it was a bomb. Charges aren't being laid against the youth, but it's being recommended that he and his family 'get counseling.' Apparently, the student violated school policies — I'm assuming these are policies against having any kind of independent thought?"

Submission + - Dark Matter Revealed By Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (bbc.co.uk)

c0mpliant writes: A huge halo of Dark Matter that surrounds our galaxy has been revealed to Astronomers at the University of California. The team, headed by Dr David Law, examined the orbit of stars which were dragged out of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy as it pass by the Milky Way. The team noticed that pattern suggested that the composition of Dark Matter around the Milky Way is not uniform, instead making what they are referring to as a 'Beach Ball' shape that has been squashed.This marks the first definitive measure of Dark Matter in our universe

The announcement was made at the 215th American Astronomical Society Meeting which was the largest astronomy meeting in history.


Submission + - SETI@home Project Responds to School Firing (berkeley.edu)

SETIGuy writes: The SETI@home Project Scientist, Eric Korpela, has posted an FAQ responding to many of the allegations made by Higley Unified School District administrator Denise Birdwell regarding the difficulties caused by the installation of SETI@home. One of the founders, David Gedye, takes issue with Dr. Birdwell's claim that "an educational institution ... cannot support the search for E.T."

Meanwhile, the fired IT director denies misusing school computers


Submission + - Microsoft denies it built 'backdoor' in Windows 7 (computerworld.com)

CWmike writes: Microsoft has denied that it has built a backdoor into Windows 7, a concern that surfaced yesterday after a senior National Security Agency (NSA) official testified before Congress that the agency had worked on the operating system. "Microsoft has not and will not put 'backdoors' into Windows," a company spokeswoman said, reacting to a Computerworld story Wednesday. On Monday, Richard Schaeffer, the NSA's information assurance director, told the Senate's Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security that the agency had partnered with the developer during the creation of Windows 7 "to enhance Microsoft's operating system security guide." Thursday's categorical denial by Microsoft was accompanied by further explanation of exactly how the NSA participated in the making of Windows 7. "The work being discussed here is purely in conjunction with our Security Compliance Management Toolkit," said the spokeswoman. The company rolled out the Windows 7 version of the toolkit late last month, shortly after it officially launched the operating system.

Submission + - Hovering communication satellites near Mars (esa.int)

japan_dan writes: An interesting way to enable Earth-Mars communication even when the Sun occults the direct radio line-of-sight: ESA proposes placing a pair of continuous-thrusting relay sats — one in front and ahead, one behind and below — Mars, with both following so-called 'B-orbits' (non-Keplerian). This means the direction of thrust is perpendicular to the satellites' direction of flight, allowing them to 'hover' with both Earth and Mars in view.

Comment I want one now but... (Score 3, Informative) 93

A few months ago, I was wondering what happened to this tech, so I went searching. Turns out it has been in development for about 20 years, and it was first estimated to be out in the late 90's.

I'm too lazy to look for a link..
Well, Wikipedia should say something about it...


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface-conduction_el ectron-emitter_display#History

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