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Google Pledges Not To Sue Any Open Source Projects Using Their Patents 153

sfcrazy writes "Google has announced the Open Patent Non-Assertion (OPN) Pledge. In the pledge Google says that they will not sue any user, distributor, or developer of Open Source software on specified patents, unless first attacked. Under this pledge, Google is starting off with 10 patents relating to MapReduce, a computing model for processing large data sets first developed at Google. Google says that over time they intend to expand the set of Google's patents covered by the pledge to other technologies." This is in addition to the Open Invention Network, and their general work toward reforming the patent system. The patents covered in the OPN will be free to use in Free/Open Source software for the life of the patent, even if Google should transfer ownership to another party. Read the text of the pledge. It appears that interaction with non-copyleft licenses (MIT/BSD/Apache) is a bit weird: if you create a non-free fork it appears you are no longer covered under the pledge.

Comment Re:Yes, but.... (Score 2) 199

Do you know why Intelligent design/God still hangs around? It is because we want to. No, not just the uneducated or unwilling, everyone.
Intelligent design means that we have been created by god, and for a purpose. Evolution means that we are here by an accident, we dont really have to do anything except make babies and have a good time (optional). There is no purpose following evolution.
There is a dissonance here. And that is why people have faith that there is god and he created them. We as a species are not good at handling dissonance.
User Journal

Journal Journal: My Slashdot design wishlist 2


[11/05/10] Password remembrance and in-page comment scroll search fixed. Thanks Slashdot!

[10/03/2011] It prompts to remember password if I log in via - fine. Searching comments seems fixed now: collapsed comments scroll while the expand link stays fixed.

[15/02/2011] Nothing new to report, just posting to show these items annoy me every time I log in
[28/01/2011] Added a bug list: When it breaks or hampers site experience


Comment Re:The Internet is where Religion comes to die. (Score 1) 304

You have just shown you do not understand anything about god. It is a construct used to explain a lot of phenomenon, predominantly social and personal. It works a lot of times (and explains coincidences pretty nicely :)) and thats why it still exists, even in the greatest minds.
Just because you know more about christianity and its bluffs(?) does not make you an atheist. True atheism is a philosophy, and is very well studied and documented. In fact, it is an integral part of some oriental religions and Hinduism too.
Religion has nothing to with facts, it is belief. As much as people want to know, people will also want to believe. And thats why, religion is never going to die. Check for yourself what you believe, and how much of it is as irrational as religion. I bet you will be surprised.

Comment On one hand (Score 1) 804

It is the student's responsibility to learn, and he can make use of whatever tools he has at his disposal to achieve that aim.
On the other hand , and in the real world, a majority (citation needed? I can give you anecdotal evidence from each of my 18 years of classroom education) of the students would be distracted by laptops. Forget laptops, I bite my hand regularly in classes just to keep awake and concentrate on what the soporific prof was talking about. Even a scribbling sound would distract me in his lectures, and I would end up dreaming from scratching to itching to that advert about itches to that model in the ad to that film about a struggling actor to latest movie to upcoming movies to next week plans to booze and sports. In an economics class. This actually happened.
I felt it was the professors reponsibility to stop me from dreaming by atleast pretending to not mumble. But I would be pissed if some other tech, which enables me to take notes, is banned.
All said and done, I wouldn't be too sad to see laptops banned.

Comment Re:Centralaisation (Score 5, Interesting) 167

Actually it is a cycle. De-centralised to centralised then centralised to de-centralised. A lot of concepts work this way. From political power (Local government to kingdom to local government) to computing (mainframe to data centre to cloud), we see this cycle a lot.
I actually hope that someone does a study of this phenomenon, and finds out an equilibrium which has advantages of de centralisation and centralisation. That would be something.

Comment Glad we are clear on what we want (Score 1) 156

"I call on the President and his Administration to oppose any effort to transfer control of the Internet to the United Nations or any other international governmental entity ."

It's not over folks. Keep your Tor up and running.
BTW, I really hate it when media spins it to the advertisers. Wonder if an 'open' news site exists. One that gives me plain texts and actual information, not commentary along with facts.

Comment Re:global standards for policing the internet (Score 4, Insightful) 402

What it means in Diplomatese is that they are going to set up a commiteee first, talk to each and every nation about their preferences, and then create a document, laying the bare minimum regulations that need to be imposed. Of course, some countries will not like this, and will not opt-in. A few will opt in, but the implementation will be so broken, that each country will set up its own regulation mechanism on the top of it. As these clash with the UN, the UN regulation mechanism will be completely broken.
The UN cannot tie its own shoe laces. This will only justify the creation of a government approved 'regulation' process, which is often referred to as cencorship.
The Internet was nice while it lasted.

Comment Re:There's no need to fear Joe Lieberman (Score 1) 528

What you are supporting is basically a return to the European Dark Ages, where the leaders operated in the dark without the people's knowledge, and the citizens were just pawns in their leader's games.

Wikileaks is there only to serve you and me. It is a leak, not a discovery.
The way I see it, the leaks are not meant to embarrass the governments or bureaucracy. They already know this. Wikileaks works for us. You and me. We see the real stuff what our governments are doing, and if we have a chance, vote for or against the government. If Saudi Arabia was not a kingdom, the ruler would be given the boot. Pakistan now knows what it's government is doing. You guys know what US is trying to do.

Comment Re:Just wow! How insane can you get? (Score 1) 1425

Don't play strawman with me.
Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King are honest and simple people. I prefer them. Maybe you would like to be ruled by extremely intellgent and motivated people behind the credit crisis, I want honest and simple people to do the job. Learn some history and come back to play strawman with me, I can play better than you.
What you imply in your post is that simple==dumb. This is not true.
The dumb guy at top was a joke. The criminals getting elected is continuing the joke.

Comment Go Social (Score 1) 79

I always wondered why automated twitter like systems are not used to solve this kind of problem.
Here is what I would like: Have a device which measures the traffic at one point installed all across the highways (Simple IR device looking at the number of passing vehicles per second should do). These devices act as social beings, sharing their data to a server to give out to everyone. They should come cheap, especially while buying in bulk (Make them solar powered, if you want to). Let them transmit the data to the nearest cell phone tower or to a server on the internet. The connectivity should be cheap, it is sending bytes of information. Have the GPS in your car (or your $20 cellphone) receive the 'feed'(or SMS) from the server based on the input route.
I dont think you need an algorithm to predict the travel time, you can just calculate it (Can be done server side too).
The costs in implementing this should be lesser.

Comment Re:I said the same thing about Barak Obama in 2006 (Score 1) 1425

I am not an American, but aren't simple and honest folks more trustworthy than a highly educated and dishonest people? I consider myself a part of the latter group, and I want to be led by a guy with a simple and honest plan, frankly. Never trust a guy who is more intelligent than you. Of course, I want the more intelligent guy to work UNDER me, which is better for both of us. Put the dumbest person at the top, and lets steer towards progress.
This is also why I feel more people with criminal records get elected in my country. They were dumb enough to get caught, they will be dumb enough to give me what I want.

Comment Re:Please mod this to TROLL right now... (Score 1) 272

Excellent. What you have shown to the slashdot crowd is the difficulties in manufacturing in a way no one has ever done before.
That said, you need to remember that the decision to do so has been made by the company itself. They wanted to take on the risk of manufacturing in China for more profits (or to stay with competition). There is a risk there, make no mistake.
Even when you sell a 'Made in America' laptop for $899, there is a risk that you are taking. The risk is associated with the manufactuing process itself. Dell did nothing to plan against that risk. When the problem appeared, they lied. They cannot be excused.
Summary: They are supposed to do all that AND sell me a laptop at $10, which is my reservation price for any electronic device.

Comment Re:Troll article (Score 1) 166

Actually we have a lot of faith in our corruption. Look, its not that I just know that somebody is corrupt, it is also that I know how to use it.
In a previous attempt, this same exercise created many dupes and gave birth to many non existing people. I am talking about iris scanners here, and the officials themselves, top civil servants can be trusted. It is not a bad database design too, remember, we create most of the designs for your systems. It was later found out that a political party created these, and the method was by bribing some of the data collectors.

Every system is corrupt, even this one. If your authorities want to screw you, trust me, they don't need this. This is only for the better.

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