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Comment LVM snapshots for iterative backups? (Score 2, Informative) 300

Depending on how long you're keeping them around, LVM Snapshots are likely to be a bad choice anyway. Their intended use-case is to have a very short lifespan, because they're intended to be used like so:

1. Create snapshot

2. Mount snapshot & copy data to backup server

3. Unmount & destroy snapshot

The point behind them is to create an unchanging version of a live partition so that you can copy the data out without worrying about whether it is being updated while you copy. Since the snapshots keep a diff of all changes to the original volume, they continue to grow in size as you make changes to the original volume. When the snapshot runs out of space, it simply dies (completely... can't mount it or anything, just have to destroy it).

There are some other possibly valid use-cases (e.g., if you have simple throw-away virtual test machines, you can build a gold image, and snapshot it and then mount & use the snapshot, which allows for a quick restore to the gold state), but keeping iterative backup copies on the local volume for quick restoration isn't really the best idea.

Comment Re:Just like Redhat (Score 1) 238

If you have a support subscription for the relevant product, the answer is either "On Red Hat Network" or "Available via snail mail", which is in accordance with the GPL. Also, I assume you mean RHEV, not RHVE (since no product by that acronym is sold by Red Hat), and some parts of its licensing may be closed, since it is based on software recently acquired from another company (similar to the state Red Hat Directory Server was in until the release of RHDS 8). Although the parent seems to have only been talking about RHEL, being potentially unaware that Red Hat has other products.

Comment Re:Insanity. (Score 4, Insightful) 673

"3. Look at the fucking guy, Jesus Christ.

Sure, any one of those things, no problem, but his previous conviction combined with 1, 2, and 3 are enough that without some fairly strong exonerating evidence I'd vote to convict if I were on the jury."

This is why trials by a "jury of one's peers" is so utterly flawed. Anyone who would use "Just look at him!" as a factor in deciding a conviction should not be serving on a jury.

Comment Re:I'd rather pay $400 for bugs likes this (Score 2, Informative) 281

Of course, if you run a maintained version of any Enterprise Linux I'd put good bets down that they'll be patched shortly. If you spun your own distro, then you made the choice to maintain it yourself anyway.

The RHEL patch was released yesterday:

Comment Re:MS Fuud (Score 1) 348

If you're installing with a net connection, you can check "Updates" when selecting software repositories and Fedora will be installed with the latest updates, right out of the update repos. Saves you from the potential vulnerability window while you run 'yum update' after install.

Comment Re:praise luke! (Score 1) 169

To be fair, they don't worship Star Wars, they follow the principles embodied in the Jedi code. Which is a stew of ideas stemming from a variety of real religions/moral codes, including Animism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Chivalry.

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