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Comment There's a Fix (Score 1) 165

The solution to this problem is quite simple. Start by taking out your sim (if you have one) snap it in half. Throw your phone on the ground, and smash it. Now buy a dumb phone. You won't be able to access facebook, but then you won't get adds and if the phone is dumb enough it won't even have GPS capabilities. Problem solved.

Comment Re:That's a lot of money! (Score 1) 110

You wouldn't steal a baby.

Of course I wouldn't steal a baby! Those things are annoying and needy. Why would someone want to steel one? And downloading isn't exactly steeling. Steeling implies you no longer have it because I took it from you. If I could clone a Ferrari in the same time it takes me to download a movie, you bet your ass I would.

Comment Re: Because: (Score 1) 116

Sounds like we need research into CBD dominant marijuana then. It would be great if we had a time release pill with all those benefits rather than having to smoke it. And if we could isolate the chemicals involved and understand them, we might be able to create more drugs with those specific individual benefits.

Yes we do, only problem, as a few people mentioned already, Cannabis is classified as a schedule I drug under the DEA's narcotic classification list meaning it's right up there with other baddies like: LSD and Heroin. That's seriously limiting the ability for researchers to get their hands on it. Also what pisses me off is that the definition of a schedule 1 drug is: that they: "have high abuse potential, no medical use, and severe safety concerns" I don't know what the safety concerns of Cannabis would be, and apparently components of it have medical uses. So I'm really confused as to why it's still federally illegal.

Comment Sure they can... (Score 1) 105

As long as your smart watch isn't a Gear S2. I swear this thing think I hit my daily walking goal when all i'm doing is sitting and reading a book. The other day it automatically switched to cycling while I was driving my car... at 72MPH. If I could cycle that fast I wouldn't need a car. If anyone tries to get my pin using my watch all they end up with is some weird data: He's not moving... now he just moved marginally downward... now he's accelerated left at 212 MPH..... now he's stopped.... now he's in the next county....

Comment Um... What? (Score 1) 951

I get where he's coming from but I think to say that there's a 1 in a X number of billions chance we aren't in a computer simulation is a bit off. For example, the rate at which computer game development can in fact be traced back to computers. In fact, our advancement in the past 50 years or so in most fields has been very fast. Cars, Computers, Engineering, Medical. All of these fields have been advancing rapidly and computers are the cause. Each generation of computer is being used to build then next. The result is better miconization. Fitting more data in the same physical space. More processing. Faster throughput. Each advancement is directly used to make the next and these computer advancements bleed over into other fields. So which is more likely? Video games are so advanced because we are in a computer simulation or the rampant video game development is simply a byproduct of computer design leap frog?

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