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Comment Sounds like a bunch of ludites. (Score 1) 310

We dont want to have to learn how to teach in a modern environment, all kids need is a chalkboard and a switch.

Its the teachers unions that could be damaging to a child's education when they protect under-preforming, under-trained, riding it until retirement, lazy bums.

That being said not all teachers are like that most I had to deal with were a pleasant help to education.

Submission + - Rats Didn't Spread Black Death, Humans Did, Say Researchers (

concertina226 writes: Scientists studying the human remains of plague victims found during excavations for London's new Crossrail train line have concluded that humans spread the Black Death rather than rats, a fact that could rewrite history books.

University of Keele scientists, working together with Crossrail's lead archaeologist Jay Carver and osteologists from the Museum of London, analysed the bones and teeth of 25 skeletons dug up by Crossrail.

They found DNA of Yersinia pestis, which is responsible for the Black Death, on the teeth of some of the victims.

Comment Bullied by other children, then bullied by the Man (Score 0) 706

Sure, the school will not address the bullying that is upsetting, harming these children, you get abused by your peers and then when you vent, non violently, you get abused by the people that are supposed to protect you from the bullies. A lot of schools have zero tolerance policies for fighting. You get bullied every day you stand up for yourself.... and you get suspended and/or expelled yourself. The administrators cover their asses with "it takes two to fight". The bully gets detention(but if he is in a sport the coach comes pulls them out of detention) with you, so that when you get out of detention it gives them another chance to bully you some more. And so on and so forth, absolving the admins from any responsibility.

Now they call the cops and have you arrested, for nothing.

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