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Comment Re:I don't understand (Score 1) 188

if you come to us with a codebase that uses RSA

What does this mean? If I come to you .... as what?

I'm pretty sure that what they mean is: "if you come to us as a customer." I believe that one of the main services that Trail of Bits provide to their customers is doing security audits. And what they're saying here is: don't bother asking us to audit a codebase which uses RSA, we're already telling you now that chances are very high that it is vulnerable in one way or another, asking us to actually audit it for you will probably just be a waste of your money paying for our time to do so, you're probably better off spending that money on replacing the RSA with something else (they discuss alternatives in the their post)...

Not saying I agree (or disagree) with their assessment, just trying to clarify what I think they meant...

Submission + - O'Reilly no longer selling individual books and videos online

dovf writes: Just got an email from O'Reilly Media that as of today, they are no longer selling individual books or videos online — rather, they are encouraging people to sign up for Safari. They are continuing to publish books and videos, "and you'll still be able to buy them at Amazon and other retailers". They also make it clear that we will not lose access to already-purchased content, updates to such content, etc. More details can be found in the FAQ. No mention, though, of whether the content sold at these other retailers will remain DRM-free...

Comment Re:Hamas Is 100 Percent of the Problem (Score 1) 868

How do you distinguish a "terror tunnel" from the many tunnels used to smuggle food, clothing, potable water, and basic construction materials?

Actually, it's pretty easy: those for bringing in goods end up in Egypt, the terror tunnels end up in Israel. Also, stashes of arms being stored in the tunnels may provide a hint as to their purpose...

Comment Re:Hamas Is 100 Percent of the Problem (Score 1) 868

and those tunnels it built were actually the main way to get food and supplies into Gaza due to Israels blockade on imports

Oops, imagine their surprise when they found out their tunnels (aimed at "getting food") ended up in Israel! Do you think they were planning to go to the nearest Israeli supermarket and buy some food to take home?

Submission + - ends free Dynamic DNS (

mkitchin writes: For the last 15 years, all of us at Dyn have taken pride in offering a free version of our Dynamic DNS Pro product. What was originally a product built for a small group of users has blossomed into an exciting technology used around the world.
That is why with mixed emotions we announced the end of that free hostname program today, officially turning down on May 7th.

Comment Re:So If I Drop My Phone (Score 1) 62

A modular phone will never work. The masses don't want modular devices. They want a solid slate they can get laser engraved more than they want the ability to customize, modify, or repair things.

Has anyone stated this is even intended for the masses?

Quoting the Project Ara website: "Introducing Project Ara. Designed exclusively for 6 billion people." That would qualify as "the masses", I think...

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