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Sport Is Unrelated To Obesity In Children 594

xiox writes "The UK government is planning to stop funding a study to understand obesity in children. The study fits children with accelerometers to measure how much energy each child uses in a day by moving. The results are surprising. Those children who do sports at school do not burn more calories than those who don't. Furthermore there is no correlation between body mass index and the number of calories used! The results are very interesting, suggesting that genetics and diet are the main reasons for childhood obesity, not sport. The UK government is trying to increase the amount of sport in schools."
User Journal

Journal Journal: voyager is coming to dvd!

yep. too bad i can't afford to buy dvds. on the otherhand, watching cartoons with the thnikkaman as an activity having no relation to liberty-limiting principles and justice and rights is free.
User Journal

Journal Journal: apparently i'm a troll

good job

"all your bsd are belong to us"

too bad the moderator didn't read my subject line or any of my previous posts where i detail how i use mac os x.

User Journal

Journal Journal: my first post

this is my first journal entry--the first impression that i give to the slashdot community.

i'd like to say that it's about time that i participated. i've been reading for about three years but have wondered what it would be like to have people respond to my posts. it's so far been fun, actually.

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I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve immortality through not dying. -- Woody Allen
